The mortal exit of Brother Sri B.L.P.S.SASTRY on the 15th June 2021 causes a deep void in the Jillellamudi fraternity and in particular among the elderly, senior veterans. He hails from Kakinada. For a long time, he was in the Govt. service at Kakinada. Development and planning were his pet subjects to which he often referred and cited his experiences within the district administration. He was very keenly interested and much committed to the Polavaram Project which is now taking shape.
He was very versatile. Well versed in the scriptures and knowledgeable in Sanskrit. He was steeped in all our ancient scriptures and wisdom of the yore. An ardent practitioner of Sanathana Dharma involved in its observance and promotion. His family committed the fund of one crore rupees establishing a School to promote Vedic Learning in the East Godavari district, though it serves the aspirants from all other areas. Over the past few years, about a decade, he has been much involved in running and overseeing the Vedic School. Bro.Sastry also had a word of meaningful counsel and reach in promoting the MATRUSRI SMARTHA VEDA PATASALA at Jillellamudi.
As a person he is very frank and open on several issues promotional, developing mental, spiritual, devotional and so on. Yet he is very generous and concerned for all the Brothers and Sisters at Jillellamudi. He had a good affiliation with other spiritual organizations, pontiffs, spiritual heads within the state and outside whom he sought and cherished with a sense of devotion. In particular, he had an affinity with the Kanchi Mutt and the Pontiff whom he revered.
At Jillellamudi he had a deep, inner longing to serve AMMA, HER cause, the MISSION and MINISTRY. This compulsive yearning egged him on to submit his wish to serve Jillellamudi in a substantial measure, which AMMA very graciously conceded that truly actualized in his lifetime. He had a minute concern for every detail and an attempt to interfere and fulfill the same within his ambit.
During his interface with the other spiritual luminaries, it was revealed that JILLELLAMUDI shall be and is the EIGHTH CENTER OF LIBERATION, EMANCIPATION (Ashtama Mukthi Kshethram) in our country which gained ground widely and has been commonly accepted. This dictum is in line with AMMA’S aphorism, “Seeing ME is attaining” (“Nannu Choodatame Pondatam”).
His role was crucial and significant in the closing years of the 1990s and the early years, the first lap of the 21st century. This was the beginning of transition from the large family orientation to the systemic, procedural modes of the SVJP, conserving the core family values. In this change he along with Sri C.Rajagopal Rao, Sri Nadendla
Lakshmanarao, and others had made a substantial effort and significant contribution both in initiative and funding. He also contributed generously to the needs of the SVJP and was ever ready to share his material and means for the sake of Jillellamudi.
Being a learned man, steeped in Sanskrit and the scriptures he authored a few books on AMMA which were of an exceedingly high intellectual caliber. To cite the same, 1) Telugulo MahaVakyam (Nenu Nanna Nenu), 2, Three volumes of ‘Padarchana’, 3. ‘Bodhe Karyam Katham Bhaveth’ and so on. In one of his works, he cited AMMA pronouncing, “When you look at the sky, it seems verily a basket containing several, small black berries (Neredu Pallu)”. This say of AMMA vouched for HER extraordinary cosmic vision, that rarely finds wider, open expression to the devotee children like us all. He also authored a dance play ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ that was performed in the Ravindra Bharathi Auditorium at Hyderabad, more than a decade ago.
His early works in English that merit mention are the ‘Mandukyopanishad’, ‘Coronation of the Sandals’ published by the Bhavans, Mumbai.
To recall fondly, in all the EC Meetings, he has been very vociferous, yet gentle, caring in the core, always amicable, affectionate and indulgent towards others. He was ever ready to help anyone needy if only he heard of or came to know of it. Always reaching out to others.
Pray AMMA GRANT him eternal peace.
Pray AMMA GRACE the family members with the strength to move ahead in life.