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  4. Editorial Note – DHANYA ABHISHEKAM


D V N Kamaraju
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 20
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2021

It is customary to perform ablutions (Abhishekam) with water, milk, fruit juices etc. while chanting Mantras. On certain occasions the Abhishekam is also performed with cooked Rice. The main objective behind all these acts is expression of Devotion. In fact, Devotion is nothing but the pinnacle of Love. The act of Abhishekam also cleanses the body, mind and elevates the soul.

In addition to all the above, a new concept was introduced in Jillellamudi in the year 1987. Abhishekam is performed with Paddy and Rice (Dhanyam) every year on 17th February to commemorate the anniversary function of consecration of Sri Brahmandam Nageswara Rao garu, the husband of Amma, reverentially called “Nannagaru”, meaning Father. What is the significance of this particular performance?

Jillellamudi is the abode of the Divine Mother, endearingly called “Amma ” by one and all. She proclaimed herself as the Mother to all that exists animate or inanimate. Her Love is complete, unconditional and unlimited. Her primary concern is feeding those around her and satiating their hunger. This has been her favorite activity since her childhood.

Amma after getting married to Nannagaru, settled in Jillellamudi in 1941. While the fragrance of Amma’s Divinity was evident right from her birth, it started attracting visitors to Jillellamudi somewhere from 1953-54. In those days all the visitors had the Great Good fortune of getting fed by Amma, the food cooked by herself. There were no restrictions to the Caste, Creed, Age, Gender etc. This was amply supported by Nannagaru even with his scant resources and broad heart.

When the flow of visitors has started increasing with the passage of time, the visitors started feeling it is not proper to cast continued burden on Nannagaru and Amma. As a result Annapurnalayam came into existence on the 15th August, 1958. The feeding of visitors and hunger continued unabated despite any hurdle that came in the way from time to time. Today, many Institutions have started free feeding and many more are following suit. Thus, Annapurnalayam was established as the beacon of light to the world.

As a gesture of expression of gratitude to Nannagaru, who is the silent inspiration behind all this, the first produce of the season’s crop is offered to Nannagaru and Amma. This precisely is the concept of Dhanya Abhishekam in Jillellamudi.

“Dhanya Abhishekam” ritual introduced and performed in Jillellamudi is singular and unique in the sense that it serves dual purpose of both Social and Spiritual Cause since the Paddy thus collected during the ritual is utilized to feed the countless devotees who visit Jillellamudi throughout the year and students of Matrusri Oriental College for whom boarding and lodging facilities are offered by Sri Viswajanani Parishat free of Cost. Thus, the function serves as the backbone for Annapurnalayam. It is the poetic justice that Nannagaru is the backbone for

Annapurnalayam. The 34th Anniversary of Dhanya Abhishekam was performed on 17th February, 2021 on a Grand Scale.

Hon’ble Dy. Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly Sri Kona Raghupathi inaugurated the function and religiously performed the Abhishekam along with our beloved brother Sri Brahmandam Ravindra Rao (Ravi annayya).

It was so appropriate and in the fitness of things and a sweet coincidence for Sri Kona Raghupathi to attend the function of “Nannagaru Aaradhana” since Sri Kona Prabhakara Rao a distinguished Leader and late father of Sri Raghupathi was a close childhood friend of Nannagaru Brahmandam Nageswara Rao. Sri Prabhakara Rao garu and Nannagaru were chums.

Nearly 2000 people attended the function and took part in the sacred Abhishekam and Amma Prasadam as a sumptuous lunch.

Last Year, shortly after Dhanyabhishekam, strict restrictions were implemented with respect to visit to Jillellamudi in view of the spread of deadly Coronavirus. Hardly anybody had the opportunity of visiting Jillellamudi and had Darshan of Amma, Hyma and Nannagaru.

This year there were almost nil cases of Corona effect in and around Jillellamudi before Dhanyabhishekam encouraging large numbers of people to attend the function.

We are confident that normalcy will prevail all over the world very soon by the Grace of Nannagaru, Amma and Hyma. Jayaho Matha.

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