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A Laudable Initiative in Jillellamudi

Dr Tangirala Simhadri Sastry
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 12
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2013

The acute power shortage being experienced in recent times in the state of Andhra Pradesh and, particularly in the rural areas and even small towns, brings to the fore, and emphasizes the need to look for alternative sources of energy. The worst situation experienced in Jillellamudi during this year has highlighted this urgent need. This draws our attention to the important Renewable source of energy, the Solar Power, which is abundantly available in the state of Andhra Pradesh and which has been long neglected by the state.

The article titled “The Solar Power – A Dynamic Movement Forward” by Mr.Varanasi Dharmasuri (Mother of All, April-June 2013) reporting the efforts made in Jillellamudi during the last couple of years to utilize this valuable source of energy is indeed a ‘laudable initiative’ and deserves to be complimented. The steps taken as part of this initiative not only help to tide over the problem of shortage of Electric power in the premises of the SVJP but also to upgrade some of the utilities thus saving on Power Bill which has been hefty in recent months.

As mentioned in this article there is a need to extend these efforts further to gradually cover most of the essential areas with Solar Power. This does not, however, mean this is going to replace the regular power entirely, as the cloudy conditions preclude the use of solar power. But the Power Bill on account of regular power can be saved to a large extent, and this, for an institution like the SVJP, is of utmost importance.

In this article he goes further to advocate similar use of Solar Power in other big pilgrimage centers like Tirupati, Srisailam, Bhadrachalam,big corporate hospitals, business and Industrial Establishments etc., which is very appropriate and long overdue. For that matter, even the relatively rich and ultra-rich can install solar power packs of the required capacity in their homes. This not only reduces the pressure on the demand for regular power, but also rid themselves of the hefty power bills from this source.

Going by the benefits that are going to accrue to the Institution by at least partially switching over to solar power, it would be highly desirable that these efforts receive the support and cooperation of all those closely associated with and who cherish the growth and development of this institution.

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