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Chaganti Venkata Rao
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 5
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2006
  1. Since the ‘Mahasamadhi’ in 1985 of Jillellamudi Amma whom I had intimately served since 1970, I was pining to contact another unique personality renowned for universal love. 
  2. It was indeed a red-letter day in my life when on the 26th March, 93, I saw Mother Teresa in Delhi at SISU VIHAR. a home

for forlorn babies of unwed mothers.

  1. I was providentially vacationing in New Delhi at that time with my wife in the company of our daughter, Sarada, working as Under Secretary in the Ministry of HRD. Having earlier had the first taste of Mother’s compassion at the ‘Home for Dying Destitutes’ at Vijayawada on 7-8-1992, I hastened to visit “Jeevan Jyothi”, a similar home for handicapped children in Nizamuddin, New Delhi on 29-8-1992. I even preferred to perform the intervening annual ceremonies of my parents in the company of the blessed inmates during my subsequent visits, casting aside the traditional Hindu ritual.
  2. During one such visit to Jeevan Jyothi on the 25th March, 1993 anxiously asked Sister ALLISON if ever we could see Mother Teresa in Delhi. And she at once broke the news that Mother was reaching Delhi from Calcutta that very night and leaving the very next day for Rome! I couldn’t simply believe my ears! What divine grace! It was sheer ecstasy! What a coincidence! We would have lost a treasure for life if we had not providentially visited Jeevan Jyothi that day. And we are right at the threshold of “SISU VIHAR” by day break!
  3. Fresh with the fragrance of prayer, Mother gave us darshan. There were no other visitors. There was no crowd. No VIPs. We were just three in the august company of Mother. The experience was thrilling beyond words. Here was Mother who endeared herself to every citizen in the world with her magic touch of love and service. Here was Mother whose conquest of the human heart could be the envy of even a mighty king.
  4. I introduced myself as a devotee of Jillellamudi Amma who was widely known for her universal love. I told Mother that after the passing away of Amma, the whole world became dark for me, and that I was very happy now with the darshan of Mother as though

I once again walked into the sunshine. I said: “Afterall | have not lived for 73 years in vain. I have your darshan now”. Mother, child said, “I did not hear about her” referring to Amma. When I said I was 73, Mother affectionately smiled and said, “I am 83”.

  1. Though really we were in the great company of Mother for the first time, we took every liberty with her like touching her feet, her hands, her body and talking freely as though we God were once again in the presence of Jillellamudi Amma herself. Mother too kept quiet and accepted our caresses with gentle love and natural acquiescence. We were perfectly at home with Mother, like children.
  2. Did not Amma say that there is no greater miracle than love and compassion? “Limited love is human and unlimited love is divine”. Does not this description wonderfully suit Mother Teresa?
  3. Mother readily gave us her autograph. She wrote “Love others as God love you. God bless you. Sd. M. Teresa MC 26-3-1993”. Her handwriting was excellent. The letters were round and bold. This is today my unique treasure to be bequeathed to posterity.
  4. Mother talked to my daughter for some time about some problems as she happened to work in Delhi.
  5. At last we felt we stayed long enough. It was nearing an hour. Mother seemed to like our company as we hers. But we rose after taking a few photos. In fact Mother herself asked “Enough?” as though enquiring if we were fully satisfied. What magnanimity!
  6. Thus we left the incomparable Mother Teresa, the sweet Albanian girl who reached the pinnacle of purity, lived a full life of achievement and glory and carved a place for herself in the galaxy of immortals!

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