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Chaganti Venkata Rao
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 9
Month : July
Issue Number : 3
Year : 2010

O! Keshav! Alas! Left us all

For lands where from we can’t recall

O! Keshav! Where? Where has he gone?

What pitiless fate had him withdrawn?

What? Is Keshav gone? Defies belief!

The message carries stunning grief!

Service to Mother his very breath

Till silenced by untimely death!

Not one dry eye rests in JLM

We very much miss him at the helm!

A gentleman to the very core

With sterling qualities galore!

A simple heart, inoffensive mind

In him we unerringly find!

Sarada! What! Been left alone?

The cruel fate doth chill our bones!

How dare you leave Sarada behind? 

And take a thoughtless plunge unkind?

 Unawares mowed at tsunami rate

Sarada met irreversible fate!

What solace can give this petty world

While in whirlpool she is hurled?

Sarada! Child! Bear then the grief

May Amma grant life-long relief!

In Amma’s bosom at last ensconced

O! Kesav! Truly Thou Art Blessed!

Sweet-throated Angels sing across

 Please atone the tragic loss!

May peace and plenty rule JLM

This citadel is Mother’s blessed realm!

(This is the grief-stricken brother’s farewell message. Brother Sri Tangirala Kesava Sarma left us all to reach Amma’s abode on 4th June 2010. Mother of All pays tearful homage to the Great Soul… an embodiment of unflinching devotion, unshakable faith in Amma and an exemplary personality of firm determination, indefatigable energy. We miss him forever…)

– Editor

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