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V. Dharma Suri
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 7
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2008

When Amma was in Her Physical form, Akhanda Naama Sankeerthana was going on 24 hours a day at Jillellamudi. People like James Campion, Bhaskara Rao Annayya, Kasu Radhakrishna Reddy etc., were participating in the Akhanda Naama Sankeerthana, not to mention Bhajana Padmavathi and her husband, much to the delight of the inmates and visiting pilgrims. A concerted effort is now being made to ensure that Akhanda Naama Sankeerthana “Jayaho Matha Sree Anasuya Rajarajeshwari Sree Paratpari” goes on throughout the year, 24 hours a day.

When Nannagaru left His Physical Body, myself, and brother Ramakrishna from Bangalore, and a few others were at Jillellamudi. After Mother consecrated Nannagaru’s body inside the Sanctum Sanctorum of Anasuyeswralayam, I found it difficult to go and sit near Amma for any length of time. There was a constant stream of visitors, many discussions involving devotees like Nellore Doctor garu, Chirala Doctor garu, etc., Physical access to the Divine Mother was difficult, private talk was impossible. By then, I was comparatively a recent visitor to Jillellamudi. Amma’s Jayaho Matha Naamam was, of course, known to me, but it was not constantly ringing inside my mind. My mind was more absorbed in Durga Saptashati, which was very familiar to me and which was in a sense my constant companion. However, after Nannagaru’s departure, during the 11 days that followed the consecration, the mind chanted “Jayaho Matha” naamam as never before. So intense was the internal chanting, that whenever I closed my eyes, I saw a small, luminous face of Amma, of the size of a One Rupee coin, complete with the nose ring and stud. While enjoying the Darshan, I was inwardly asking myself the question. “This Darshan is marvelous. Does it make me conquer the Arishadvargas?”

On the last day, as I was about to take leave of Amma, I told Her, “Mother, this time I could not be with you.” My reference was to the multitude of crowds, the tremendous activity all over Jillellamudi, especially all round Amma. Without waiting for a split second, Mother replied, “This time, more than anyone, you were with me. Were you not chanting Naamam, non-stop?”

What a great boon Amma granted! In a split second, She gave the message for a lifetime, a message sufficient to salvage millions of suffering souls. Did not Amma say, by implication “My darling child, if you want to be near me, if you want my Sannidhyam, go and do Namam. And You shall be near me”. After Mother left Her physical body, this message became all the more relevant. Whenever I feel lonely, forelom, unhappy, I fall back on the Naamam. Jayaho Matha Sree Anasuya Rajarajeshwari Sree Paratpari. Do it once, twice, a hundred times, 108 times, 11 cycles of 108 times, a deep sleep engulfs the mind, the mind is sobered, feels vastly withdrawn and comforted.

Brother Valluri Pandu Ranga Rao, in the course of one of the enlightening discussions said. “When Sri Hyma was leaving Her physical body. She requested Amma “I should hear your Naamam constantly”. That is why Amma arranged Akhanda Naamam behind Hymalayam temple”. Mother told me very clearly and categorically that Hyma is very much present in Hymalayam, listening to the entreaties of Her devotee brethren, if you can say “Oh, Hyma” with devotion and true devotion. She will come out of the temple even now. When such is the case, how fortunate are those, who chant aloud Akhanda Naamam behind Hymalayam? They are satisfying the desire of Sri Hyma, presiding Deity of Hymalayam! How can such Namasankeerthana go unheard?

It is reported that when Atharapurapu Seshagiri Rao garu once asked Amma “Mother, when I chant your Naamam and walk on Mount Road, Madras, how do you see me?” Mother replied, “as clearly, as if you are walking in front of Me.”

Late Ramaraju Krishna Murthy’s son, before leaving for the USA, had dinner at my residence, in Bangalore. Though he was of a very tender age at that time, he said “If I get any intractable problem, I chant Amma’s Naamam, I do 11 units of 108 Namam and my problem invariably gets solved.”

During the year 1984 or 85, brother Kesava Sharma developed a Programme of Naama Paaraayana Deeksha. At that time Mother personally called, amongst others, Varanasi Bhagavati and Racharla Kamala and granted them Naama Paaraayana Deeksha.

Brother Kamaraju told me recently that Amma said to him “Naamam is greater than Nami, I will also do Naama Parayana along with all of you”. So you can understand the immense significance and potential of Naama Sankeertana. Let us all join, whenever we visit Jillellamudi, in this program at least for an hour each day and enjoy the soul-devoting experience.

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