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S. Mohana Krishna
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 9
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2010

Swami Chinmayananda in his book ‘Meditation and Life’ wrote – “Live the Divine Life wherever you are: you need not give up your station in life, your business, family or possessions. A slight change in thy outlook is all that is required instead of the attitude that I, Mr so-and-so, desire or plan to execute,’ which will naturally fortify you in the feeding of ‘I’-ness. Have a spirit of dedication unto the Lord and roam happily through life in the safe and true belief that ‘He is the Truth: his Will alone be done; May I be ever an instrument in His hands, and through this body may His plans be fulfilled…”

The profound truth of these words is brought to bear on us on several occasions, sometimes so dramatically that a discerning person cannot but see the Divine hand at work through the instruments which are His own creation.

Here is the story of one of the darling children of the Divine Mother, Raghava Murthy, who finds himself guided in all his assignments by the invisible divine hands.

Raghavamurty is working as the Project Director in The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) at Bangalore. He is an accomplished Space scientist having been the key-person behind the creation and successful launch of several prestigious satellites. One such Cartosat satellite was successfully launched on 5th May 2005 which was a mile-stone in the Indian Government’s space programme. Raghavamurty was one of the important brains behind the project.

As a person, Raghava Murthy is a deeply devoted person and an intense worshiper of the Divine Mother. He keeps the Divine Mother in his heart at all times. He has close association with the “Thrayee Veda Vidyalaya ” Bangalore and not only learnt recitals of Veda Mantras but encouraged like minded colleagues of ISRO to learn them. Such is his interest in the traditional heritage; he made available a floor in his house freely to conduct Veda classes.

Raghavamurty visited Jillellamudi during 2006 along with his family members and spent a week there participating in various spiritual activities. He is thoroughly convinced that Amma is none other than the Rajarajeswari whom they have been worshiping as their family deity.

The story of the launch of the satellite on 5th May, on the Kalyana Dinotsavam of Amma even without Raghava Murthy being aware of the importance of that day by then, has been narrated in my article ‘Orbiting around Amma’, published in the ‘Mother of All’ journal.

Raghavamurty brought the photo picture of the IMS-1 mini satellite to Jillellamudi, placed it at the feet of Amma and took her blessings a day before its launch during 2008 from Sriharikota along with nine other satellites. Interestingly 5th May proved to be significant for him once again. He was invited to the house of the Prime Minister that day for his role in the successful launch of the innovative IMS- 1 satellite for which he received a prestigious national award.

During August 2007, I happened to be in Bangalore in the house of our son-in-law Maheshkumar and daughter Ushasri. At Jillellamudi, at about that time, it was decided by Sree Viswajanani Parishat to perform year long Annapurna Laya Swarn Utsavalu. I, Raghavamurty and my daughter Ushasri, on knowing about the plans for Annapurnalaya Sawrnotsavalu, discussed among us about the spiritual austerity that can be thought of for the successful conduct of the celebrations. Amma must have given an impulse (Prerana) to us at Bangalore, the Sankalpam for the recital of Lalitha Sahasra Namams one hundred crore times, originated there. The proposals were discussed at the Executive Committee meetings of the Parishat during September 2007 and adopted. Significantly, as against some apprehensions about sustaining the programme all through the year and achieve recital of a hundred crore times, the organizers found to their pleasant surprise that the recital of Lalitha Sahasranamams was done two hundred crore times during the Annapurnalaya Swarnotsava year!

Despite his busy schedule and frequent tours due to his high position and hectic official pre-occupations, Raghavamurty is taking keen interest in the conduct of Pujas and other activities under the aegis of Jillellamudi Amma Seva Samithi Bangalore.

While Raghavamurty, a person with scientific temper and deeply religious disposition demonstrated that there is no conflict between the two, Baburao, another friend of mine and Ramanamurty become willing instruments in spreading the message of Amma by helping fulfill an unselfish aspiration.

We shall continue that interesting story in the next issue of Mother of All……

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