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AMMA, A GOD OR TRUTH (ALL) is ONE (and only ONE)

C G Westerlund
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 15
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2016

(The following is one of the flowers picked up from the Garden of Flowers)

Everything is there and now 

– For (says G) HE, who is Everything 

is HERE Now – GLORY!

He who is equally in ALL

And everything,

He is wholeness,

Full and Fullness

The sky is His Peace:

Water is His Bliss;

(HE is SHE, and SHE is HE

The obverse and reverse of all that is)

Amma, God, or Truth

(All), is ONE (and only ONE)

But how many forms

How many shapes

 (How many thoughts –

 Thousands, millions, myriads) – Huh!

‘What are we?’ asks K.

“Just some names and shapes”

(Says G), ‘of the ONE ‘NAME’ and ‘SHAPE’

, Who at once is beyond all

Form and name”

Relative happiness and sorrow

Will one day end in

Eternal peace and happiness.

For, (says G)

Behind all relativity is SHE,

Who is Eternity.

All forms HER forms

Always HIS WAYS 

HE is SHE, SHE is HE 

Verily ONE plans all the parts.

Are not differences and troubles 

Passing, short lived, relative, temporal ?

 Underneath all forms and names 

IS the same Existence, Mother.

This ONE we all are

All are of the ONE

All are of the Same ONE.

Mother and daughter.

Father and son,

Brother and brother

Traveler and his fellow

 – Are two forms of the ONE

The same abounds as ALL.

Sometimes those forms are most amusing!

She alone is doer of every deed

Impeller of every action

Planner of every plan

Form of every form.

Verily, all contain Bliss Divine.

 Every Food. That’s why It’s so good!

All is SHE, even the rocks,

Glass and scientists.

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