In Jillellamudi:
In commemoration of Amma’s merger with the Eternity (Mhabhi-nishkramanam) Amma’s Anantotsavam is held every year during 12th to 14th June in Jillellamudi with gaiety and religious fervor. As part of these celebrations by way of paying obeisance to Amma; programs of worship are arranged on all the three days.
On every morning of each of these three days Maha Rudrabhishekam is performed to Amma to the chanting of Rudrasuktam by 11-Ritviks. The first day of the celebration i.e., the 12th June occupies a special place. On this day Abhishekam is performed to Amma with Annam (cooked rice) and is called “Annabhishekam” started in 2008 at the suggestion of Sadguru Sri Kandukuri Sivananda Murty. This Abhishekam is performed every year on June 12th. He expressed that since Amma is the embodiment of Goddess Annapurna. it is propitious and appropriate to perform this abhishekam to Amma and distribute this as Amma’s prasadam to the devotee children who throng the premises on that day. All the devotees who attend the function on this day participate in performing it to the main deity in the Sanctum Sanctorum.
The second day i.e.. 13th June was devoted to collective chanting of ‘Ambika Sahasranamam’ (thousand names of Amma) after the Maha-Rudrabhishekam. On the third day, the 14th June, the day Amma’s mortal coil was consecrated in the sanctum featured a special program as part of these celebrations. A music concert by a group belonging to the Sai Shruti Music Academy of Guntur which is a wing of Hindu Dharma Prachara Samiti of TTD, Tirupati was organized by Mr. Ramarju Prema Kumar of Guntur.
There was a sizeable gathering this year who were fortunate to participate in these celebrations and partake Amma’s prasadam (a sumptuous lunch) on all the 3 days along with Amma’s blessings.
In Hyderabad:
It has been an annual feature to celebrate ‘Amma Anantotsavam’ in Domulguda, Hyderabad at the residence of Sri K. Narasimha Murty, a renowned Chartered Accountant. On the day of Amma’s Mahabhi-nishkramanam as per the Lunar calendar (Tithi). It is Jyeshta Bahula Dasami and this happened to be 11th June this year. Incidentally, it is to be mentioned that Mr. Narasimha Murty’s mother affectionately addressed by everyone of Jillellamudi fraternity as ‘Durga Pinni’ is the maternal cousin of Amma.
The celebration mainly consisted of performing puja to Amma by collective chanting of ‘Lalita Sahasra Namam’ three times (to make it one lakh times in all) followed by chanting of ‘Lalita Ashtotara Shatam (108 namams) and ‘Ambika (Amma) Ashtotaram as all the devotees who gathered there offered flowers to Amma. Then songs in praise of Amma are rendered by enthusiastic sisters like the Komaravolu Sisters and Smt. Anasuya to the delight of all, while Mr. Ravuri Prasad of Hyderabad compered a brief session of talks by Dr. U. Varalakshmi who retired as Reader in Telugu from Matrusri Oriental College, Jillellamudi, spoke in her inimitable style about her intimate experience during the last stages of Amma’s impending exit describing Amma’s utmost concern for each and every one working in the kitchen and the institution. It was very touching to listen to her narration that moved everyone there though none of them were present during those moments.
Then Mr. Narasimha Murty spoke about his intimate association with Amma right from his childhood and how Amma’s grace elevated him in life to attain the present stature.
The celebrations ended on a resounding note finally by sharing Amma’s prasadam in the form of delicious lunch. Thus the celebration each year offered an enchanting experience to all those who gathered here once-in-an year for the occasion.