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A Anasuya
Magazine : Viswajanani
Language : English
Volume Number : 22
Month : March
Issue Number : 8
Year : 2022

Jillellamudi Amma, a name that echoes in hearts,

A divine mother, with love that never departs.


In her presence, we find peace and tranquility,

A guiding force in our spiritual journey.


Her love is boundless, and her grace so pure,

A mother’s love that forever endures.


With her gentle touch, she heals our pain,

And her wisdom guides us through life’s terrain.


She is the embodiment of divine light,

A beacon of hope, in the darkest of night.


Oh!Jillellamudi Amma, Mother of grace!

We offer our love and devotion, ever and ever forever.


May your love bless us always

and lead us on our way,

And in your embrace, may we forever stay.

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