M Lingeswara Rao
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 19
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2020

“Jayaho Matha, Sri Anasuya, RajaRajeswari, Sri Paratpari”, are the sacred syllables that form the Holy Mother’s Namam that is sung uninterruptedly by young and old in chorus, sitting in shifts all day. The melodious chanting reaches the ears of the pilgrim across the green fields as he approaches the village. All the strain and stress encountered in the journey by the traveler soon disappears the moment the holy namam of Amma is heard. It exhilarates him and quickens his pace towards Holy Mother’s abode, at Jillellamudi. Those divine chantings of namam cast away all the drudgery of the world and make him fit to enter into ‘the kingdom of Heaven’. Mark the efficacy of namam: It is said to be more powerful than God Himself. It heals the sick, comforts the afflicted, saves one from perils, frees him from the shackles of the world and ultimately lands him in the lap of Mother.

Here is an interesting account of how the namam came into vogue here. A few years ago, when I sat in the presence of Holy Mother under the roof of a hut, a devotee from Guntur, by name Sri P. Kumaraswamy, approached Mother and requested Her to grace the occasion of Toli Ekadasi at his residence in Guntur. Mother replied that she could not go over there. Whereupon Sri Kumaraswamy persistently implored Her to visit his house for that auspicious occasion. After prolonged discussion, Mother told him that She would depute me on her behalf for that occasion and Mother asked me to follow him to Guntur and stay at his house for three days and then return to Jillellamudi. I was reluctant to leave Mother at first and at last I had to change my mind after She cajoled and lulled me, making me sleep in Her lap for a while. One sister and brother had accompanied me. We started in the early hours of next morning and had to walk all the way to Bapatla as no bus was available. Somehow we reached Guntur by that evening. In Sri Kumaraswamy’s house, there was another brother Shyam (a muslim brother by name Imam) who was a devotee of Lord Krishna.

Once he was our associate at Jillellamudi. He leapt with joy when we entered his house and enquired about our welfare. He is a gifted singer of Hindustani music. In less than half an hour, he finished his bath and rushed to us in joy and said that he got 21 (Eka Vimsathi) syllables of Holy Mother’s namam while he was taking bath. Immediately he commenced to set the tunes convenient to sing, on that memorable night of Toli Ekadasi. Many gentlemen and ladies of rank gathered in a hall to attend the Nama Sankeerthanam. A big size photo of Mother was installed on the altar bedecked with garlands and all arrangements were made. At Zero hour, for the first time, the Holy Namam of “AMMA” was chanted by Shyam in rapturous tunes. Smt. Kumaraswamy also contributed much by her melodious strains on a musical instrument. The audience sat spellbound, immersed deeply in the devotional music throughout that night. I sat there, a silent spectator, in the last row enjoying the splendid performance. In Spite of occasional showers from the sky, the function was going on well without any hindrance. At about 4 O’ clock I felt drowsy and closed my eyes for a few minutes when, to my surprise. I began to see Mother in real physical form instead of Her picture, laughing and clapping Her hands to the tune of namam sung by Shyam. I saw Mother in such a state for sometime and then opened my eyes wondering at the scene. As usual, the Nama Sankirtan was going on in the hall before Mother’s photo, and it went on until day break. The Sankeertan was carried out without gap and all were extremely impressed with the function and namam. After our stay for three days at Guntur, we returned to Jillellamudi.

Thus emerged the sacred syllables of Holy Mother’s namam to uplift the depressed souls and awaken humanity to the path of reality. “Let us all chant and sing Holy Mother’s Namam constantly, to make our lives worthwhile.

“Jayaho Matha Sri Anasuya

Raja Rajeswari Sri Paratpari”

Source of the article AMMA NAMAM by M. Lingeswara Rao: “Matrusri, February, 1969.

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