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Marakani Dinakar
Magazine : Viswajanani
Language : Telugu
Volume Number : 21
Month : June
Issue Number : 11
Year : 2021

AMMA’S glorious advent on to this earth as divine manifestation and embodied motherly presence occurred on the 28th of March 1923 in the village Mannava. Later after HER joining NANNAGARU in the holy wedlock set foot on the soil of Jille llamudi in the early 1940s. Till the year 1956 AMMA is known to the close few around and those thronging on HER birthday celebrations. Later AMMA’S radiance and motherly love drew the countless devotee children to Jillellamudi which was then a tiny nondescript, inconspicuous village.

AMMA continued HER stay at Jillellamudi frequenting other places occasionally, a few times, till the 12th of June 1985 up till her consecration in the sanctum of ANASUYA SWARALAYAM beside NANNAGARU. While at Jillellamudi AMMA gave darshan to countless devotees, deemed the children and graced people, even masses on festive days and celebrations. Verily fortunate are those who could reach AMMA and receive HER grace during the days of HER physical form.

The poser is does AMMA cease to be after consecration? Is she not seen by HER countless, loving adorable children? These are to be looked into and verified. AMM truly desired while present physically that AMMA is not the one resting on the cot at Jillellamudi with the devotee children around. Nor is she the one giving the audience darshan to the devotees seated on the sofa here in a formal mode. AMMA is much more and far beyond these two physical realities that are often seen.

It is befitting to recall that AMMA assured that once the physical form. ceases, she is much more accessible to the devotee children and grace them in a greater measure not restrained by the dictates of the physical form or the mere confining proximity of the form. Truly AMMA is formless, timeless, sans dimension, all pervasive, all permeating. Limitless and omnipresent as AMMA declared HERSELF

Granting this, how does the devotee children see AMMA? Firstly, AMMA is bilocational or present at multiple points even during the days of HER physical being as experienced by the devotees. Notable experience is that of Brother GodiattamChandram to whom AMMA blessed with sweet prasadam while he was waiting in queue at the pilgrim center Tirupati. Later he came to Jillellamudi and was graced to see AMMA in person. A few others had such experiences of the physical person of AMMA even from a distance.

How is one enabled to see AMMA, the lesser mortal can behold AMMA. First and foremost, any sight of AMMA is granted by AMMA’S volition only as verily declared by AMMA during the physical presence. Even so, granting this prerequisite, how is it possible and what is the mode.

To elaborate the primary grace is granting the view of physical form or simply, AMMA appearing in full person before the blessed subject. This is exceedingly rare. To recall Gopal Annayya’s anecdote recorded, AMMA appeared to the devotee, a Muslim boy practicing pranayama and fell ill whom AMMA put in a state of wellbeing, correcting his spiritual practice. To this subject and his associates, AMMA granted the vision of HER full form even before June 1985. Subsequently they all reached AMMA at Jillellamudi cognizing her as the one seen in full form by them at Srisailam.

Even now AMMA can grant the vision of actual physical form to the chosen, blessed few. This is because of the rare faculty of adorning any form desired either one’s own or any other. In the spiritual domain this is the mystique of ‘Kamarupa’. Notable example of this being Hanuman appearing before Lord Rama with chaste accent and flawless diction in the introductory beginning of their enduring relation.

Often, AMMA appears in the dream state of HER countless children blessing them, gracing them, or merely indicating the future by a pointer. This is well captured by Brother Mannava Butchiraju Sarma in his meaningfully profound lyric ‘Kala Kallaite’ which is very well received. The subject in deep dreamless sleep is influenced by the divine, impacting him, rather moving the person in the required direction.

Another mode that the divine form is seen or conveyed to the subject is through the astral form. In this form, the divine is luminous, glowing though not physically apparent. These modes are well recorded by Yogananda citing the instances of the worthy predecessors in their order Lahiri Mahasaya and Mahavathar Babaji. Although not attempting an analogy, AMMA too bestows the sight of her form in such mode.

Yet another way is the mystic presence and mystic form. AMMA is seen in a form that is beyond the physique and the light. Though the form is visible to the subject concerned. At times, the subject receives the much needed guidance from AMMA in such mystic form.

In quite a few other cases, AMMA’S presence is keenly felt as if the form is very much with the person and the subject graced by AMMA. In this manner, he receives the inputs needed in routine life at times. In this instance, the form is present, felt without the form.


Most accessible, easy to reach mode is the continuous chanting of AMMA NAMA. As one continues chanting earnestly with devotion, gradually the subject begins to feel AMMA’S presence, This aspect AMMA verily stressed stating that SHE is present when the NAMAM is being chanted.

To sum up the primary requisite is to forge an equation with AMMA, or for others any of the divine chosen. When such an equation is crystallized, rather solidified, the vision of AMMA, the chosen GOD obtains in whatever mode that the ALMIGHTY deems fit, possible, as per the meriting need of the individual. It is pertinent to recall as conveyed in ‘JEEVITHA MAHODADHI AMMA’S official, authentic autobiography AMMA granted the visions of other chosen divinities in HERSELF as desired by such devotees in Mannava in HER very childhood.

Primarily, the subject shall be committed towards AMMA being earnest and steadfast. Pining for the divine begets the vision or a sight of the same divine form sought within. Intense yearning for beholding AMMA is the cue, the key to find AMMA in form in whatever mode possible at the given moment.

As verily said by AMMA, “Pining for GOD is but penance”. (Tapassu Ante Tapinchatame”)

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