Oh: Mother,
Who art thou,
The unknown, solitary ONE,
Elusive, and exclusive.
Thou have shown
The path beyond the
Known realms and
Domains hitherto common,
Yet beyond censure,
Criticism, or ridicule.
The very path,
Causing glowing radiance,
As if casting moonlight
In the pitch darkness of the
New moon nights.
Thou art being seen,
With eyes open or shut,
Ever dancing in my heart,
Reigning from within,
Oh: Mother who art thou?
Though bereft of mother,
Have become the MOTHER of all,
Conceiving children countless,
Verily filling the whole universe,
Yet immersed in thyself.
Oh: AMMA who art thou,
The unknown, solitary one.
Though AMMA Jillellamudi strides evidently among all of us, HER* The true self or the real nature of HER person is always intriguing and eludes our understanding. We are but mystified by AMMA’S presence and person. We keep wondering the same. For the spiritual aspirants or seekers, or even for lesser
mortals like us, YOU have depicted an uncommon path. We find this path to be beyond ridicule or censure by the ordinary; while being a remarkable synthesis of tradition with contemporary thought. The path that is worthy of observance by the wise, the erudite as also those in earnest quest.
AMMA, your ways cause effulgence in the surrounding darkness. Reflect cool and bright moon light even in the pitch dark nights of the new moon days. Truly your words and ways are the beacons for mankind.
YOUR presence ever dwells within us, kindling our innermost core. YOU are seen open eyed or even with eyes shut, ruling from within and ever present in the inner recesses of our hearts. YOUR form and presence lure us to the point of being obsessed.
We are indeed touched that you are bereaved of your mother even as a tender child. Even so YOU have become our MOTHER and proclaimed so. Though deprived of mother in real life, YOU have become the personification of MOTHERHOOD in the universe, deeming us all as YOUR children.
Despite this apparent motherly love, which emanates from YOU towards all beings and the entire existence, YOU appear to be immersed in YOURSELF, as THE ONE and only ONE. The unequaled ONE that is the cause and end of every aspect in the universe.
Thus being the shadow of our life, ever behind to protect and support, sustaining us always in this mundane sojourn. Verily YOU are the ‘be all’ and ‘end all’ for all of us and all beings.
Given this reality, we only wonder AMMA as to who YOU are truly. We are only bewildered and made to believe YOU are truly the unique, solitary, unequaled ONE swaying the universe; and all life that is subject to YOUR* dictates. We only submit before YOU in mute reverence.
[Adapted from the song “Evaramma? Evaramma?” in ‘ANUBHAVASARAM by brother Sri Mannava Butchiraju Sarma.]