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Avidyanam Antas Timira Mihiradweepa Nagari

Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 6
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2007

So goes the first line of a sloka from ‘Soundaraya Lahari’, composed by the great sage and ‘Adiguru’ Sri Adisankaracharya in praise of the goddess Tripurasundari/Lalitha Devi – meaning that even a particle of dust from Her feet is like a city in the island of rising Sun that can drive away the darkness of ignorance. While ‘Avidya’ is ignorance, ‘Vidya’ could be taken to mean awareness, awareness of all-pervading Shakti/Brahman through education. Education is not just acquisition of knowledge, but the process of learning, which when directed through right channels can lead one to attain that awareness.

Thus education occupies a place of prime importance in the lives of humans after food and health. Perhaps with this in view Amma, the physical form of Tripurasundari/Lalithambika, laid the foundations for imparting education to Her children, after having started Annapurnalayam to provide food and a Medical Center to take care of their health. She has chosen to impart education through Sanskrit, the mother of all languages, which would equip the children to pursue higher learning and understanding of ancient religious texts and scriptures that could lead them further, depending on the individual samskaras and capacities, to attain that awareness. Though these appear lofty ideals, the students can be made aware of the potential of their learning here in the precincts of this college.

The Matrusri Oriental College run by Matrusri Vidya Parishat under the aegis of Sri Viswajanani Parishat (SVJP) and which prepares the students to acquire a degree in Sanskrit, has also a School on its premises that trains students in Telugu, the lingua franca of the state. Started in 1971, the College provides free education, boarding and lodging to students (both boys and girls), majority of whom are drawn from very poor families of backward areas, mainly from Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam Districts of the state. It started with a band of dedicated teachers committed to excellence which is reflected in the glorious record of number of Gold medals and top ranks achieved by the students in the Statewide Public Examinations.

This College has grown in stature not only because of the academic achievements, but also the excellent infrastructural facilities, like playground, a gymnasium, computers and a well-laid out Library, thanks to the untiring efforts of its former Correspondent Mr. B.Ramachandra, the philanthropic attitude of Mr.BLS Sastry, the Vice-President of SVP and the present Organizing Secretary Mr. MS Saratchandrakumar, with his fund of experience with the British Library.

While the college boasts itself of a glorious stature the students needed to be provided a wholesome environment and a congenial atmosphere for their studies. This has been a painful reminder to the management of their responsibility towards the young students. As a great relief and as a first step towards reaching this scenario, a hostel for boy students is taking shape on the premises of the college. Having witnessed the ordeals the boy students have been undergoing for the last several years, brother B.Ravindra Rao has taken upon himself, of getting the Plans for Hostel building prepared and embarked on enlisting the support of some charitable institutions, philanthropists and other organizations towards providing funds for this mighty project. His efforts, to a large extent, have borne fruit and the building is expected to be ready for occupation in a couple of months.

While this being so, the students need to be impressed on the potential of the education they are pursuing along with inculcating in them a spirit of service, keeping always in mind the sayings of Amma and the ideals of the institution which brought them up. They can be potential Ambassadors in spreading Amma’s message when they go out into the world. We pray to Amma to bless them all, with the ‘Vidya’ essential for their physical and spiritual well being !!!

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