The exit of Brother VaJJha Prasad this January 2023 causes a serious, unrecoverable void among the close, near and dear. Much more so in the active circle of the Jillellamudi fraternity, primarily in Hyderabad JASS (Jillellamudi AMMA SEVA SAMITHI). He has been the active President and the prime mover of all activities here ever since the year2011. He is one of the senior most veterans of Jillellamudi, way back from the 1960s closely following the paternal footsteps of his father as the foremost devotee of AMMA well over the past several decades, from the time the activities emanated at Alkapuri.
Fair in form, gentle in manner, mild, soft spoken always. As a person he has always been amiable to all those around, the near and dear, the kith and kin equally. Handsome in looks, originally he was prone to renunciation in the early years of life while nearing his youth. With this inner inclination he is said to have reached Jillellamudi, getting into AMMA’S gracious presence. Yet destiny willed otherwise. Quite likely prompted by the benign looks of AMMA he took the hand of Sister Aruna Sri in the holy wedlock and got into domesticity which AMMA always preferred and encouraged as the natural way of life in tune with human nature.
And quite a fruitful matrimony that served the ends temporal and spiritual equally. Thus, the white robed inclined sanyasi has become the virtual, real life householder. One can say with reasonable certainty that it was the made for each other couple blessed by AMMA.
As the householder he played his role to perfection. In these days of nuclear, singular families, he held all the grown up family members together under a single roof as the very harmonious, caring, amicable joint family without any jarring notes whatsoever. This is a complement to his sincere, understanding, togetherness of concern to everyone at home. The same trait, spirit, and attitude he displayed in his interfaces with one and all in the outside world, who all felt close and endearing to him.
Joined the Government service in academics and rose up well in the hierarchy of the Intermediate Board, which speaks well of his official role and dutiful discharge of duties. In this capacity, his connections and good offices were also verily available to the Matrusri Oriental College and the Matrusri Pathasala in which he was the office bearer, the Correspondent. His counsel and mentoring were always available and fruitful to the academic and statutory requirements of the Jillellamudi MOC and PATHASALA till very recently.
Walking in his father’s footsteps, Sri Vazzja Sitaramayyagari, who relieved a debt trapped family at AMMA’S behest, took to the cause of AMMA and Jillellamudi serving the same till the very end. It is worthy to recall that AMMA preserved his life and continued him in service from a serious, mortal illness by administering the ablutions, the holy waters to him as the medicine which revived and replaced him on the active front till the very last in January 2023. With his ascetic inclinations within he also nurtured deep devotion towards AMMA who assured him touching his back with all motherly love, that he shall be taken care of under the benign, motherly eyes of AMMA which actualized and realized in truth during his lifetime.
I should recall his association, as also that of his brother Sri Mallikharjun with my parents, in particular my mother and father. He always enjoyed and liked serving food in ANNA POORNALAYAM and took to the same at the earliest, at every opportunity. To recall last month, I was serving him food here. He conveyed to me affectionately that it stirred my father’s memory for him while partaking in the food. This was our last interface.
After AMMA’S consecration there was some lull in Hyderabad activities, though they continued. He took over as the President, JASS in the year 2011 and gradually the pace and momentum of the activities in the twin cities picked up. Particular mention needs to be made of PREMARCHANA, which is now almost a regular feature encouraging, prompting vibrant sponsors with frequency.
From the year 2011, he also conducted the AMMA stall at the All India Industrial Exhibition at Hyderabad which is a national event. This needs very close attention to detail, planning and regular work for forty days with the preparation and withdrawal another week or so. This also calls for active liaison with the Exhibition Society and coordination for all the requirements of the AMMA STALL there for forty days without interruption. Brother Prasad handled all these works with aplomb. Also arranging for daily devotional ritual of AMMA, and serving AMMA’S PRASADAM for forty days, that gained notice and popularity in the Exhibition Circle.
He has been generous parting with funds for the works of Jillellamudi which in recognition placed him on the Fund-Raising Committee for the Centenary Celebration of AMMA.
He lived up to the precepts of AMMA in enjoying his lot to the heart’s contentment and then joyously sharing with the fraternity. Cultivated, nurtured the same spirit to his family members in living up these ideals of AMMA leaving behind a worthy progeny that emulates him in spirit, word, and deed. Thus, the three generations followed by the fourth actualizing the precepts of AMMA in the real life scenario.
Having said this, it is worthy to regard Brother Vazzha Prasad as the complete man fully blessed by AMMA which he made a vibrant reality in his lifetime, leaving behind a legacy worthy of emulation in all respects.