[conversations with Amma were compiled by Late Dr. Sripada Gopala Krishna Murthy out of diarized and recorded discussions with Amma by several brothers and sisters. Smt: Yadavalli Kameswari translated a few chapters into english. We are happy to publish them from this issue onwards.]
[page 160]
Is it possible to continue one’s spiritual journey and at the same time carry on the worldly or domestic responsibilities? Should we leave one for the other? What is e role of sadhana and how does it help one go ahead on the righteous path? Amma swers some of these questions.
Sister-I sink deeper and deeper into self d family– day after day. I am mired inem. I am not able to free myself from them. My spiritual goals elude me. My forts to meditate fail me .Please guide me; 1 me what I should do. How can I pursue sadhana?
Amma; think whatever you do for your nily is your sadhana. He has given you this nily. He has apportioned this possibility to you. Carry it cheerfully. ery one belongs to Him. Everything is 3. Taking care of the family, loving the members of the family-this is your sadhana. Sister: But you have to meditate. I have id that it fills you with an inner isfaction; it provides you with the innate length.
Amma; when there is such a beautiful creation, such a fulfilling world right in front of you, why do you want to close your eyes and search somewhere else? When you close your eyes, you find only darkness. Look into yourself and try to reach the Higher, the Divine which is within you.
Close your eyes if you so want but see within yourself with your mind, heart and soul. What do you find there?
Sister: [doing so, after a minute] Peace, unbounded satisfaction.
Amma; If I show you a bright light it dazzles you; but it does so only for sometime, for a very short time, since it is the light shown by me, not a light that emanates from your heart. But if you can kindle the light which is within you, and see with your inner eye, you find the unfading light. .Keep your mind undisturbed by the rustlings of the world .Keep it concentrated on Him who is everywhere .Fill your mind with bliss-this should be your meditation, your sadhana. If I teach you some prayer, give you a rosary you recite it and make it a mantra with your mind and heart and soul. So, your mind is the mantra, it is the rosary. I have given you only the words, mere sounds. You have made it the mantra.
Sister; so to carry out my domestic chores is my sadhana. To concentrate on Him while doing my duty is also my sadhana I understand. I will not complain hereafter.
Amma; [smiling] I too have my domestic chores. The whole world is my family and I don’t have much leisure.
If I show you a bright light it dazzles you; but it does so only for sometime, for a very short time, since it is the light shown by me, not a light that emanates from your heart. But if you can kindle the light which is within you, and see with your inner eye, you find the unfading light.
[Page 127]
Should we read only those books prescribed or described in our religion? Truth is much larger and deeper and is not restricted to any one book, one principle or one religion. It is all pervasive. When you can see divinity in everything you are closer to God. Amma speaks.
Brother: Is it wrong to read the Bible? My father gets annoyed whenever I do so.
Amma; Nothing is wrong. We read the teachings of Christ. We like them. But do we really understand them? Do we have the Christian spirit, or the missionary zeal? Be it the Gita, the Koran or the Bible, the basic teaching is the same. The teachings of every religion or any religion are noble if you can comprehend them properly. Without understanding, it is groping in the dark.
Brother; nothing wrong if you read and understand. But people are getting converted. Is it necessary to get converted, to understand or follow a particular religion?
Amma; not necessary. If you don’t understand the religion, how does conversion help? To be a good Christian, you need not convert yourself.
Brother; I also feel so. Spiritualism is an individual experience. It is a very personal pursuit and a personal experience. If an organization steps in with the desire of spreading a religion, its sanctity is lost.
Amma; comprehension and conviction are more important than conversion. Problems arise when you acquaint yourself with the physical structure of a religion and don’t try to delve deep into the spirit of it. God is everywhere and everything is divine. It is the basic principle of any religion. If you realize this all pervasiveness of God, there is no conflict. When Adi Shankard traveled from KanyaKumari to Kashmir, he saw and worshiped the divinity which is all pervasive. Worship God in any form, through any religion, at any place, but try to imbibe the true spirit of a religion, go to its depths. There ends your quest and you find answers to all your doubts.
Worship God in any form, through any religion, at any place, but try to imbibe the true spirit of a religion, go to its depths. There ends your quest and you find answers to all your doubts.