C G Westerlund
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 5
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2006

[Comments on the writings of Gordon.

His words have been very helpful, uplifting and healing to me. Bill Kubla, Clarion, PA.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. Bb,.Santa Barbara, Ca..

His words are like scriptures, to me. I prefer to read them, than the Bible. Gg. LA, CA

Gordon’s writings are stupid, but his life is impeccable. Gordon, Tom, is much better than his words.

I like Gordon’s concepts of the world, God, heaven, and the judgment day. In fact, I enjoy reading his writings more than the Bible. They seem to be much deeper.

Willy Graham, So. Africa.

“You should burn all your writings. They are nothing but ego, ego, ego”. My Beloved wife, E.

My two favorite comments are, “Gordon’s writings are stupid” and my wife’s. After she said this to me, I said, “Yes, but there is really only One Writer (and really only One Reader also). And did not Joseph Campbell say we should follow our own bliss. And sometimes I get really happy writing. However, even this I have to put down and get back into the silent awareness and really one alone exists and is “ising”. And she said, “Yes, this is it” And we both had a good laugh. Thank God I am so honest. GOOD, truthful wife!!!!! 1920

 In answer to your request, tell me more about the times you were held up in the Black Section of town.]

Well, it was not too much after Martin Luther King left the body. Anyway, I was walking home from work, approximately 2.30 am. I was walking through a park near Emmanuel Hospital and two black youth got out of a car and came toward me and asked if I knew Carl. I said my first name is Carl, but I do not think I am the one you are looking for. Then one asked me for a dollar for food. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill. In the meantime, one of the youths went behind me and picked up a wooden water meter cover, about a foot long, 6 inches wide and about 2 inches thick, and hit me on top of my head, trying to knock me out. Fortunately, I had a thick sock cap on, and when he hit me, I was knocked forward but not quite to the ground, and I thought, “Lord, am I going out (losing consciousness)?” When I stood up, the other boy hit me with all his might, to take out (destroy) my voice box, so I could not howl for help. However, my chin got in the way and he hit me on my chin and chest and I did a somersault and lay flat on my back. The youth with the board stood over my head with the board raised high over his head, so that if I tried to get up, he could pound me down again.. The youths were both about 18 or 19 years old, somewhat bigger than myself. The boy that hit me with his fist then went through my pockets and took what money I had (which was $35) and ran to the car. The youth with the board then backed away from me. I got up and said to him, “I don’t have anything against you guys,” and it was as if I could read his thoughts, which were “man, I hit this guy hard and he has no ill will toward me”. He walked over and picked up the paper sack lunch that fell out of my hand, when he hit me, and he brought it to me and gave me a little hug, and ran to meet his friend waiting in the car.

I walked out of the park and halfway down the next block, when I saw the two who had hit me coming toward me, in their car. I thought “Lord, what shall I do, shall I run or what?” And the Divine Consciousness within said, “Do whatever you feel like you. should do.” Well, I did not feel like doing anything, so I just stood there, and the car came zooming up to me. Just about this time. I noticed two black youths spotted me, looking out their apartment window, which meant to them, “Ah, here’s someone we can hold up.” Anyway, the driver of the car said, “Don’t run, we want to give you your money back.” I said, “if you want to hit me again, go ahead.” He said, “no, we want to give you your money back.” I replied, “no, you can keep it” and when I said that, the youth in the passenger side gave the driver another bill, he was holding back some money, but when I said, ‘no, you keep it”, he wanted to give it all back to me. Anyway, they wanted to return the money to me, so I took it and gave them a $5 dollar bill and said, “here, at least take this’ ‘, And they took it and zoomed on their way. and I started walking down the street again.

Eventually, the two youths that saw and heard all that went on, thought… “Ah, this guy has already been hit and held up, we will let him go.” However, early in the morning as the sun was rising, I was out in a park, and I said to the Sun, “I wish you could have seen what happened last night. And within me, I heard the still silent voice of Eternal Consciousness say, “I know all about it, For I was with you last night, and I am within you.” This completely blew my mind and it dawned on me. The Spirit that is in the sun, is in me. It is omnipresent and this same Spirit is within me. (The Spirit that is within you and me is omnipresent also) And I remembered the words of my teacher, Anasuya Devi, who said, “Everything is the support of everything”. Also, AnandaMayi Ma said, “Everything is contained in everything.” Wow!!!! When one understands what these words really mean, these words are truly powerful!!!!!!

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