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S. Mohana Krishna
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 5
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2006

Dhanya Abhishekam function was held at Jillellamudi on 17.02.2006. This function is being held as a mark of respect to Nannagaru. This year, it has special significance since 25 years were completed after the departure of our beloved Nannagaru. The participation of a large number of brothers and sisters from all parts of the State was the happiest feature of this year’s function. Nama Sankirtana/Bhajan continued from the morning by a popular Bhajan group from Vijayawada was one of the highlights of the day’s function.

The premises wore festive looks with pilgrims in large numbers arriving right from the strike of dawn. It is estimated that at least 3000 devotees took part in the worship..

Prize distribution to the students of Matrusri Oriental College who participated in varied Sports and games was another attractive event that day. Nannagaru used to take keen and active interest in games and sports. Competitions were conducted in Volleyball for boys, in Tennikoit for Schoolgirls, in Caroms for College girls and winners were given away prizes. Sri Anasuya Swara Trust instituted a special prize for winners in the Elocution competition on Amma’s philosophy. Scholarships were awarded to the meritorious students in the name of late Sri Adharapurapu Seshagiri Rao sponsored by Sri U.V.Gopala Rao. Scholarships were also given in the name of Late Sri Kondamudi Ramakrishna, Sri Gottipati Vijayalakshmi Bhavani and a few others.

With the active and wholehearted support of the highly devoted and dedicated brothers and sisters, an abundant quantity of paddy and rice is collected this year, which should be sufficient to meet our annual need. This goes a long way in making Annapurnalayam self-sufficient as an Institution which is very dear to Amma’s heart.


Mahasivarathri celebrations took place this year on 26th February with solemnity and great devotional fervor. Abhishekams were performed on Mahasivarathri night in all the three temples – Anasuya Swaralayam, Hymalayam and Nava Naga Nageswaralayam with 11 priests in each temple commencing from 10-30 p.m. to the Moola Virats in Anasuya Swaralayam and Nageswara Liam and to the Utsava Vigraha in Himalaya. The abhishekams and puja went on until 4 am the next day.

On the morning of the great festive day, Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam was performed in Himalaya by 11 ritwika and 15 students of Veda Pathashala, Bapatla, chanting the sacred hymns. Rudra Homam was performed in the yagasala from 4 pm with Sri R.Lakshminarayana and Smt Kamala as yejmans. Sri Dikshitulu, ritwik from Guntur and Sri Pavan Kumar, Veda pandit at Jillellamudi conducted the Rudra homam.

All the temples have been illuminated throughout the night with colored lights. Jillellamudi campus and in particular, the temple complex reverberated with spiritual activity as the night dawned.

Between 5 and 6 pm, about 200 devotees including the staff and the students of Matrusri Oriental College, and High School, chanted Siva Sahasranamam. During the recital, the presiding deity of each temple was worshiped with one lakh bilva patras by all those present.

Jillellamudi villagers also participated in Nama Sankeerthana Ekaham from 6 am on 26th till 6 am the next day. At about 6 am on 27th, curd rice offered in the temples was distributed to them with which they broke the 24-hour fast. Later in the day, all of them were given a sumptuous feast in Annapurna Bayam.

While the programme was sponsored by Dr. B. Ranga Sai (USA), the same was meticulously planned and implemented by Sri R. Lakshminaryana on behalf of Sri ViswaJanani Parishat.

A devotee family from Bangalore Sri Gopala Krishna and his wife Savithramma and her sister visited Jillellamudi for the first time and participated in the Mahasivarathri celebrations. They have been worshiping Amma from the last over thirty-five years but neither visited Jillellamudi, nor saw the Divine Mother in Her mortal frame.

Sri ViswaJanani Parishat made excellent arrangements for the functions. Please do visit Jillellamudi whenever your time permits

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