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Doubts and Dispensations

Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : English
Volume Number : 1
Month : November
Issue Number : 6
Year : 1966

(Translated from Bhavani’s diary)

I didn’t clearly hear the name of his village, but it is one near Warrangal. A goldsmith came from there four days. ago. He looked very sickly, he could not walk normally. He was told about Mother by some friend and dragged himself to Jillella- mudi. These four days he did not say a single word, he was just observing. Every time he was near Mother, he came to tako theertham. That was all he was doing till yesterday. When Mother was with Venkanna yesterday, he came to her and told his story,

Before he got old, he was quite strong, and had earned fifty sovereigns of gold with the intension of building a temple. But due to some difficulties, he could not construct the temple. Now he has grown old. He is not worried about his general debility, which could be the result of old age, but he is worried by a mysterious illness. The direct cause for that illness could be his inability to fulfill his vow, but some persons bearing grudge against him had a prayoga (black magic) made against him. This one was particularly responsible for his fall.

Mother told him that the so-called bad effects of a prayoga are never real. But he insisted they were and what is more, he begged Mother to save him from them. “Their black power was nothing before Mother’s mahimal”

Mother said amidst laughter, “I do not have any mahimas. If I had those powers, would I not fill the hungry stomachs of thousands of poor people starving for want of even a full meal once a day? Why so much effort for constructing lodging p’acos for the visitors?

But the old man would not heed her words. Their power would not be able to work against yours,” continued to be the burden of his appeal. Then Mother said, “Power does not get localised and heaped up at one place to the exclusion of all space. That power that is, is everywhere. That makes you act, me act, makes all and everything. There are not dillerent quotas of power with different persons.”

“Then Mother, what else could be the cause of this malady eating me up?” “There is reason. You are getting old and general debility is natural. Look!. I am younger than you and how many are my deformities? Anyway this illness of yours is not without a cause. But, a temple does not cense to be a temple if it is constructed out of material other than stone? Construct a teinple with naamam in your heart. That temple would not cost any money! You cannot hereafter construct the tmple you planned to, anyway. Construct even this one (with naamam) now. This one is superior to all those temples! In this old age, why yourself worry with mad beliefs? Go home. Don’t worry about anything se. Sit quiet and do naamam. When you believe in God and work up to Him, what meaning have prayogas or other black magic? They do not exist.

I couldn’t quite see if he understood all her words, but he seemed to say with satisfaction, “Yes Mother, as you direct”.

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