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Marakani Dinakar
Magazine : Viswajanani
Language : Telugu
Volume Number : 21
Month : July
Issue Number : 12
Year : 2021

The mortal exit of Dr.S.V.Subba Rao of Nellore on the 18th May 2021 causes an indelible void among the devotee circle of the Jillellamudi fraternity. To recall he has been the foremost member of the MATRUSRI MEDICAL CENTER in the late 1970s at Jillellamudi, along with other medical professionals of the times in its inception. This MMC COMMITTEE marked the beginning of medical services at Jillellamudi though in a very modest way.

These beginnings apart, he has been quite close and dear to AMMA during the days of HER physical being. He has served and attended on AMMA’S physical form in all its ills as the very dear, near physician, always the doctor in attendance. Though other medical professionals too attended on AMMA at different times, he has been like HER personal physician even while perched at the distant Nellore physically.

His devotion and reverence towards AMMA were such that his very arrival, presence made a difference in the responses of AMMA towards wellbeing even much before the actual treatment starts from him. Devotion, reverence and enduring love were the potions of his medical aid, above all the material medicines. Such was his devotion, intense, committed, dedicated and unfathomed.

At one point of time, quite likely in the year 1975 AMMA suffered an abscess made much more acute because of HER chronic diabetic condition. Dr.Subbarao wished to shift AMMA to a more congenial place for care and much needed medical attention. To shift AMMA from Jillellamudi to Nellore the abscess needs to be attended or treated on an emergency to facilitate the shifting. Then Dr.Subba Rao without any operation theater or equipment opened the abscess with an ordinary sterilized blade and then took AMMA to Nellore to his dwelling where AMMA stayed, got treated, rested and recuperated for a few days.

There were quite a few occasions when AMMA chose to stay in his abode with short stays of a few days. Throughout such stays, he has been the ideal, caring, endearing host along with his family to all the brothers and sisters of the Jillellamudi fraternity who reached his Nellore abode seeking AMMA’S GRACE. I was one among such a tribe in the month of October 1975 who received AMMA’S bounteous grace in his residence at Nellore to recall fondly. AMMA’S counsel during that interface at Nellore has been a lifetime lesson for me in all my subsequent positions, causing enormous credit.

The popular adage runs, for the ailing patient, physician is the GOD verily. “VAIDYO NARAYANO HARUHI”. AMMA meaningfully observed, “If the physician is the GOD for the patient who is ill; is not patient too is the GOD for the serving, attending doctor.”

(Rogiki Vaidya Narayana Death, Doctor Rogi Narayanudu Kaada?”).

Here AMMA added a new meaning and depth, rather exposed the existent and the truly needed symbiotic relation between the Doctor and the patient he treats. This is a reciprocity between both the persons and the equation between the twain shall be that of mutual affability, concern, esteem and regard. In the essence there is a trace of the divine in every living being, also the human which the Doctor attends and serves for the cure. The relation is mutually sustaining, supporting and symbiotic.

This citation of AMMA, Dr.S.V.Subba Rao actualized and lived in depth. He has been gentle, caring and genuinely affable towards all the patients he treated. He is very well known for his expertise in general medicine. He is equally well known in handling cardiac cases and extending care to them while being a general physician. The patient felt and got better with his mild and gentle manner viewing medical care and cure apart. To sum up he has been a noble member of the medical profession throughout his professional career.

With all these exceptional traits of his person, he has been very spiritual in his core. He read the spiritual literature exhaustively and exceedingly devoted. Quite likely, this summoned him, rather beckoned him closer to the innermost circle of the few around AMMA at Jillellamudi, much loved, cared for by AMMA; to the point that others felt relegated during his short stays or visits to Jillellamudi. This invoked the sayings at Jillellamudi that the very word of his arrival shall work positively in a lighter vein in the closer circles of Jillellamudi.

At the instance of AMMA, Papa Akkayya (Dr.Inaja Kumari) worked as a Junior at his clinic in Nellore to pick up the practical knowledge; much more so the nuances in studying the ECG s of the patients. After working at Nellore for quite some time, AMMA brought her to Jillellamudi as the locally, attending personal physician ever since the late 1970s during the days of HER physical form. Dr.Subba Rao is quite good in expounding the details and subtleties of medical care. Throughout his working days he is well regarded for his treatment and care by the patients.

To sum up succinctly he is the ideal Karma Yogi truly adapting his ‘SWADHARMA’ that of medical aid, care and cure for all those who neared and reached him with love and meticulous attention. A very decent human being of positive values. Devotion, commitment, service and nearness to AMMA were the spice and flavor of his person which we will miss forever.

Pray AMMA grant him eternal peace. Pray AMMA GRACE the strength to his family members to forge ahead in life with fortitude.

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