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Editorial Note – The Holy Trinity

D V N Kamaraju
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 19
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2020

At the dawn of the new Calendar Year, it is a tradition from generations unknown to wish everyone a “very happy New Year”. Time bestows both happy and unhappy events without favor or prejudice, which humanity normally takes into its stride. But the current year 2020 remains in human history as a nightmare experience hitherto unknown. Deadly virus Corona devastated the entire globe, changed the lifestyle of every human being, brought about grim metamorphosis in the very thought process making life into a strange puzzle, with no apparent solution. 

Sree Viswajanani Parishat advises all our brethren to exercise maximum care and caution in these days of crisis.

On spiritual side, we suggest everyone to make it a daily practice to recite Ambika Sahasranama Stotram, chant Amma Namam Jayaho Matha Sree Anasuya Raja Rajeswari Sri Paratpari and spend the leisure time more and more in meditation to overcome the present crisis.

Time, however, passes on without any mercy. It has snatched away from us many that are dear to our heart! The verdict of mortality is uncomplaining.

The demise of our dear brother Dr. Potturi Venkateswara Rao on 5th March, 2020 was a severe blow to the brethren of Jillellamudi. He had been a friend, philosopher and guide to the Jillellamudi community for over five decades.

He was a multi-faceted personality, a rare human being. A veteran journalist by profession, prolific writer both in Telugu and English, a hard-core political critic, active in the human rights movement and many more. A thorough gentleman and earned the fame of being regarded as a “gentleman journalist” in journalistic and political circles.

What makes him special to us is he was a hard-core devotee of Amma. His faith in Amma was the inference of a deep rooted testing, discussion and research. He had the rare opportunity of spending days together in Amma’s presence at a stretch, soaking in Her Divine presence.

He held the Office of President of Sri Viswajanani Parishat at an overly critical juncture. His vast experiences in various fields of life had been especially useful to the members of Parishat during his tenure.

His demise leaves a bad scar on our minds and his loss is a void that can never find a replacement.

While the loss of brother Potturi was still a sore pain, we are struck with another blow on 14th April, 2020, in the form of the demise of another dear brother Dr. Pannala Radhakrishna Sarma, a great Scholar, Poet and Pundit.

One of the earliest visitors to Amma, his association with Jillellamudi dates back to more than six decades. Sri Pannala was the founder Principal of Matrusri Oriental College. Dr. Sarma produced extensive, valuable literature both in Telugu and Sanskrit on Amma. The most popular invocation prayer (Dhyana Slokam), morning prayers (Suprabhatam), evening prayers (Sandhya Vandanam), thousand names of Amma (Ambika Sahasranama Stotram) etc., were all penned by him. He was conferred the title “Vidya Vachaspati ” by Amma and endearingly called him “Apara Sankara” signifying the similarities in his literature with that of Adi Sankara.

The entire puja ritual being observed in Saree Anasuya Swaralayam is based on the literature produced by Sri Radhakrishna Sarma. He was highly respected in literary circles all over India. His contribution was significant in Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Sri Ramana Ashram Tiruvannamalai, – Anandashram – Kerala, etc.

Matrusri Oriental College in Jillellamudi was dearest to his heart. He yearned in his last days to visit Jillellamudi and see for himself, the present stature of the College, he so longingly nurtured. His tenure in the College was The Golden Period in all respects.

His departure is a great loss. His memories will be long cherished in Jillellamudi.

Another Great veteran that left us in recent times is Smt. Anantha Ramulamma on 2nd May, 2020. This name is almost unknown to anybody. But, if one says Ramudakkayya, there will be a glint of affection, love in everyone’s eyes in Jillellamudi. A centenarian, who completed her 100th birthday a few years back, her association with Jillellamudi itself is more than 65 years old. An epitome of service, love, and affection, a rare, selfless human being, hard to find in the present generation. She served Amma equally in body, mind and spirit alike when she was in human form and in the form of idol in the Temple. She lived with meager means, minimum necessities, never accepting any help from anyone. Her departure was sudden, peaceful and painless. 

That is Ramudakkayya.

Hail to the wit and wisdom of Sri Potturi,

Hail to the Scholarship of Sri Pannala,

Hail to the dedication of Smt. Ramulamma

The Holy Trinity.

Mother of All pays tearful homage to these great personalities.

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