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  4. Editorial Note – THE UNFORGETTABLE P S R


D V N Kamaraju
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 21
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2022

It is common for individuals to face many failures and frustrations along the path to success. A few individuals accept them as challenges and come out with flying colors.

Sri P.S.R. Anjaneya Prasad is one such person who is endowed with the quality of leading life with purpose, contentment and fulfillment.

He was born in a family of highest literary eminence. His ancestors were all great celebrities in that field. The powerful hereditary genes amply percolated into PSR and he naturally developed proficiency in Telugu literature. Widely read, Sri PSR’s erudition and faculties of poetic abilities blossomed into fullness in the divine presence of Amma. His works on Amma in the form of verses, poems and books are innumerable. He mantled Editorship of a monthly journal in Telugu “VISWAJANANI” for over two decades and produced hundreds of Editorial articles. He was also Correspondent for Matrusri Oriental College and High School for a long time.

Sri PSR’s life is an inspiration and example to the younger generation. He derived full contentment in his life of 83 years. His faith in Amma that was sown at a very young age remained firm and unshakable till his last breath. During this period, his experiences, ecstasies in the presence of Amma were uncountable.

He started his career as a clerk in Hindu College, Guntur and retired as Superintendent in the same College. His wife was also employed. He used to often share with many of us with a glint of pride in his eyes that his wife was more educated and earns more than him, but firmly stood behind him at each step in his life. The bond of matrimony was strong between them and he was so dependent on his wife in his life, while she equally reciprocated. Sri PSR was an ideal family man (Grihastha). His

the treatment of guests who visited was always impeccable. Even though endowed with moderate means, his generosity knows no bounds when it comes to helping the needy or contributing his mite for Jillellamudi needs. He made his stamp firmly and deeply on the soil of Jillellamudi. In fact, his contribution to Jillellamudi is enormous not only in financial terms, but in several other fields. –

His first encounter with Amma was unimpressive and dramatic. Sri Tangirala Kesava Sarma was his close friend, who was a strong devotee of Amma and who used to visit Jillellamudi in the mid- 1950s almost every weekend or as often as possible. Watching this, one day Sri PSR accompanied him to Jillellamudi. He spent some time silently in the presence of Amma, while Amma never even looked at him.

His next visit was to attend a literary function that was held in Jillellamudi with the participation of Sri Prasadaraya Kulapati, his elder brother (presently Sri Sri Siddheswarananda Bharati Swamy of Courtallam) and a few other literary personalities. In that function after every one presented their literary works, Sri Kulapati announced that if anybody else wants to present his own work, they can do so. Then PSR rose and presented a small piece of his literary work. Amma appreciated his work and asked Sri Kulapathi why his work was not published in their Book. Till then, Sri Kulapathi also was not aware of his brother’s poetic stints.

From then on, Sri PSR never looked back. There is no count of functions he participated, conducted and led as compere. His presence has a unique stamp of his own.

He left this world to join the abode of Amma on February 13th 2022 leaving behind a huge legacy of over 60 years of his literary works, personal association and comradery among Jillellamudi brethren. The void is permanent and cannot be filled. We miss him so much.

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