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  4. Editorial Note – TWO COMMON GOALS AHEAD


D V N Kamaraju
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 19
Month : July
Issue Number : 3
Year : 2020

In the course of history of any Organization, it is imperative that at one time or other, it stands at the crossroad to decide the right direction.

Sree Viswajanani Parishat is exactly at such a crossroad staring at its immediate goal of Amma Centenary Celebrations in 2023. Before that the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Matrusri Oriental College and Pathasala are due next year in 2021. Needless to add, these two events are important milestones for Sri Viswajanani Parishat, the Apex Body under which different wings were established by the Divine Mother.

The forthcoming two events are potent to change the face and profile of the Organization. This opens avenues to consolidate its Strengths, identify the Weaknesses, explore the Opportunities and eliminate the Threats.

This is the moment for each and every devotee of Amma to join together in the common cause and common goal for collective achievement.

It is but natural that the psyche and thinking of all individuals is not always identical. But, for the greater cause of common cause, it is imperative that all shall join together.

The Organization has to enter into a higher plane, reach every nook and corner of the Globe, to disseminate Amma Philosophy, the selfless Love, the uniqueness of Amma and Her teachings.

Amma laid a clear road map for Jillellamudi. Annapurnalayam is the heartthrob of Amma. Temples are the very heart and soul of Jillellamudi. They are the real Power Centres. The greatness of this Spiritual Center must touch all the Continents.

In order to arrive at these towering goals, we need to adopt the “divergent and convergent thinking” principle.

Let us converge/focus our open-ended ideas at a single point. Then shall proceed in deciding the action points and adopt the actual practicable strategy.

More important factor in this momentous task is the unconditional involvement of volunteers to shoulder the responsibilities to their might in the spirit of Amma.

That would be the only real tribute we can offer to Amma.

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