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  4. Editorial Note – UNIQUENESS OF AMMA NAMAM


D V N Kamaraju
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 20
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2021

In connection with the upcoming Amma Centenary celebrations due in 2023, the beloved children of Amma have taken pledge to chant collectively 108 crore times Amma namam JayahoMatha SreeAnasuya Raja Rajeswari Sree Paratpari and submit the cumulative figure at the Lotus feet of Amma. 

Chanting of Namam is one of the nine methods in Bhakti (Devotion). It is called Sankeertana if chanted aloud and Meditation if done silently.

By meditating on Namam, the first response of the mind is to keep dwelling on the words. After some time, the mind involuntarily gets associated with the Namam intimately. Repeated chanting inscribes the same on the three stages of mind (Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious) permanently. Even if the person is not near you, your mind keeps the figure of the person so near to you. This exactly is the purpose of chanting Divine Namam. Repeating the namam continuously over a period of time, your subconscious mind or unconscious self inseparably gets attached to the name and the person associated with it.

So far so good. But why Amma Namam? What is the significance in Amma Namam?

Amma namam is comparable with the highest order of Mantras that are popular in the Spiritual world. This Namam “JayahoMatha SreeAnasuya Raja Rajeswari SreeParatpari” is not the product of human effort. The history associated with the Namam is interesting.

This Namam was not authored with any conscious effort of an individual. The 21 syllable Namam accidentally struck to one Mr. Imam, a muslim, while he was taking his evening bath on “Tholi Ekadasi”, a highly auspicious day in the month of Ashadha in Lunar Calendar. When such a thing occurs acquires the status of a Mantra on the lines of Gayatri Mantra. This is one uniqueness of Amma Namam.

This Namam can be sung in any Raga. Any tune Carnatak, Hindustani or Western just suits these letters. This can be considered as another unique feature of this Namam. One can sing the Namam with any tune, or one can silently repeat in mind or one can simply concentrate or meditate upon the same. Either way, one can reap immense benefits through this Namam. There are innumerable instances to corroborate the above fact.

Ms Pothukuchi Jhansi Lakshmi, who graduated from Matrusri Oriental College and a staunch devotee of Amma, was traveling in a Motor boat. Suddenly, her long hair was stuck in the motor and was dragged into the machine. The gruesome accident made her hair get unstuck from the top of the head soaking in blood and Ms Jhansi was unconscious. But Amma namam never left her and she was repeating the Namam without consciousness and aloud. Ultimately, she was saved from the accident and its after effects.

Another sister Smt. Kasturi, was traveling in a Bus from Srisailam to her place. It is her habit that during journey she keeps chanting Amma namam silently in her mind. She was in an advanced stage of pregnancy and during the journey, suddenly she developed labor pains. They started increasing and became unbearable. She managed to request the Driver to take her to a nearby Hospital. It was in the middle of night and raining hard. All the while, she never stopped Amma namam while bearing the pain. Somehow, the Driver managed to find a Hospital and admitted her. Within a few minutes of getting admitted in the Hospital, she delivered a baby boy. Astonishingly, she took the newborn babe and reached her place in the same bus. Kasturi rightly believes that it was nothing but Amma namam that she was chanting without her conscious effort that saved her from the possible disaster.

Another incident. On New Year eve, Mr. James Campion, a young Britisher who settled down in Jillellamudi was making arrangements with Lighting and Mike for the function. Due to some misunderstanding, he caught live electric wire and fell unconscious while holding the wire in his hands. The Namam never left his lips and he was repeating the same in the unconscious state. Miraculously, he was saved and came out unscathed.

These are but a few examples of the efficacy and caliber of Amma Namam, which is nothing but a Maha Mantra.

Let us all come together and chant Amma Namam a billion times and present the same collectively at the Lotus feet of Amma on the occasion of the Amma Centenary.

Jayaho Matha Sree Anasuya Raja Rajeswari Sree Paratpari.

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