Despite the far reaching header and the distant echo, the cause or the very beginning is very much nearer home. Oftentimes any experience has a mild almost mute subdued beginning but it sends its ripples across the wake of time, scanning decades which pass unobserved. Every divine experience opens the window to the infinite presence of divinity. To put this more ordinarily it affords a peep for the individual into the endless eternity while the lesser mortal is time bound.
Further, each episode or experience happens in a particular locale. Obviously the individual relates the same to the confines of real time and space. Fact is that the divine being, AMMA in this instance, grants such experience which quite truly impacts the individual for a long spell, almost unawares, for the entire life span, to be cherished and savored many a time on several further occasions.
To move down the memory lane, it was during the first quarter of the year 1983, just before the Diamond Jubilee of AMMA, and after the consecration of Nannagaru (Sri Brahmandam Nageswara Rao garu) during February 1981 in the sanctum of the shrine Anasuyeswaralyam. By this time, the anniversary of this temple was celebrated in a fitting manner in accordance with AMMA’S directions. This shrine has become a part of the established rituals at Jillellamudi, well frequented by AMMA in person, at times participating or overseeing the happenings at the shrine.
While being in physical form Nannagaru had a farming interest at Vinjamur. He used to personally look into the matters of these farm lands, with the concerned farm hand coming and apprising Nannagaru of the obtaining situation from time to time. I had to go to Vinjamuru to sort out the issues of these lands which could be done after discussing with the farm hands cultivating these lands and such other concerned persons locally.
It was my first visit to these parts. I could find out the route and the mode of reaching there by making some enquiries. Reached the place by bus and got in touch with the concerned person.
After arriving there, I was granted the mystic vision of Nannagaru for the first time in my life. I could very well see his form. From this vision, I could gather that Nannagaru was kindly disposed towards me in a blessing mode, well pleased with my inclinations, intentions and my instant endeavors at that moment. This vision lasted for quite some time. Even as of now, the aura and effulgent, gracious form of Nannagaru are etched vividly in my memory. This made me immensely happy and enthused at the subject being pursued.
While this being so within, the outward ambience was not so kindly disposed. Being a small place, somewhat better than a village, there was no conveyance and I had to walk the distance on the road. It is a tar road. This happened to be the forenoon, almost nearing the afternoon, with the sun bright and scorching, as it was the beginning of the summer.
Not being used to the summer heat, and not much exposure to the sun, till then I felt the going hard. Nonetheless, I moved on with a decided intent. Suddenly while facing the scorching sun, my mind abruptly almost unawares or unintentionally, was shouting at the Sun, why not he relent a little for a while. This was almost casual and unintended. To look back this may sound far too incredible or even made up to the nonbeliever.
That being so, to my utter surprise and immense relief, the ambience of scorching sun had become cloudy and I could walk under a shade which much lessened my discomfort. This instant marked difference in the ambience almost jolted me. Then I felt that grace finds expression, in unknown and uncertain modes which could often
be beyond human perception.
With this clement, changed conditions, walked to the respective places, finished the job at Vinjamur, partook a delicious lunch served by the local farm attendant and came back by the late evening, reaching Guntur to join with Brother Ramakrishna (Annaiah), who has been looking after the Diamond Jubilee collections staying in the residence of Brother Kuricheti Venkateswarlu on this work.
This episode was nearly almost three decades ago. To come back to the present when I took a flight to the US in March 2009, there was a stopover for more than three hours at the Frankfurt Airport in the early hours after day break. Usually air ports at such early hours tend to be cold and chilly. This is the experience even at our erstwhile Begumpet airport, if we were to take the early morning domestic flights.
I was almost apprehensive of such a scenario with the prevailing cold of the Continent. I was thinking of coping with this and a little concerned. To my surprise, by the time the touchdown started, I could see the bright sun out of the aircraft window, which put me somewhat at ease immediately.
Further, after negotiating a considerably long distance by walk and train was ushered into the waiting lounge very near the embarking gate for the next flight to be taken. Here again the entire area was flooded and basking in sunlight of the early morning without even snow or fog. It was much more immensely delightful because the sunlight was touching and caressing the very seats where the waiting passengers were seated, almost swathing each one in warm comfort.
The area and the ambience were warm, welcoming besides comfortable. It is another coincidence that we left Jillellamudi, almost more than a week ago, to our surprise we found a snack prepared at Jillellamudi in our hand baggage which we ate with gusto and relish, sparing us of the need to bite any continental fare. With this, all my misgivings and apprehensions were blown aside. Simply and mutely my mind could only cherish the umpteen ways grace could act, at times far beyond the comprehension of the lesser mortal.
Presumably one shall infer that divinity never fails earnest, committed faith. Or to look at in a humbler way by a mortal of frailty, AMMA’S love is ever ready and forthcoming and is ever a standby to take over in case of the person’s fear or apprehension in any given situation.
If so, could this poster be hype? Or, the inference could be farfetched? The answer is an emphatic,’no’.
This is so because during our long association with AMMA during HER physical form and even after there is a marked affinity between nature, the external ambience to put it more precisely, and AMMA’S predilection or disposition.
Several times, I could witness that AMMA’S condition reflected on or impacted the external nature or ambience. This could be more acutely perceived during the early to mid 1980s. During this period, whenever AMMA’S health was precarious, even till then a bright, sunny day was dampened by gloomy clouds emerging out of nowhere. Brightness verily resumed the moment AMMA regained HER well being or composure.
To recall another instance, when AMMA was recovering in the 1980 from HER sickness which unnerved all of us, we visited the Gandipet Gardens in Hyderabad. Only a few of us in a small retinue accompanied almost at midnight in winter. The trees and the flowers were giving off a rare fragrance, showing off all their blooms in full glow, in the well lit cool moon light of the wintry night.
It was as if Mother Nature was welcoming AMMA’S recovery and continuance of HER personal motherly love, in all its abandon and glory. To be true and utterly candid, never could I see a more fragrant, effusive, bounteous, cordial nature in my life till that night? To repeat this unique phenomenon could never be witnessed either before or after that remarkable, significant, truly memorable November wintry night in the year 1980 in Hyderabad particularly or anywhere else. In fact this prompted an article titled ‘The Moonlit Night’ in the English Matrusri of 1985, which was to cherish this singular reminiscence in the wake of AMMA attaining eternity.
For a moment setting aside the mystic element of these happenings, the intrinsic reason is AMMA being and ever dwelling at the peak of ‘Nonduality’ or the singular ‘ONENESS’. Such non dualistic or ‘advaitic’ ‘ONENESS’ makes the ambience, nature and all existence respond to AMMA’S moves and moods inducing a singular affinity. Simply because, AMMA is all that exists with little exception or exclusion; an overwhelming, all pervasive presence of motherly love that sways the ambience and persuades, induces affinity from one and all, the entire existence.
Granting such an all pervasive, all encompassing presence, HER grace shall or could find vent through any medium in the surrounding nature. Nature exudes the message of grace through sun, moon, clouds, or through any of the five elements. Sometimes, this expression of grace shall find vent in gentle blowing breeze, flowing or cascading water, sudden spurt of shower or rain in an otherwise dry weather. Nature has its own communion of grace which an alert and aware mind shall always observe or perceive, if only to rejoice or cherish the all pervasive grace ever present and the divine aspect ever merciful.
What we the children of AMMA shall do is to cherish HER being that is eternal and presence that is timeless. Earnestly yearn for HER love that is boundless, limitless and bounteous which ever cares, pines for us HER children always even to the point of HER hardship or discomfiture. Such true motherly concern of AMMA has no confines in the form of space, time or medium; if so geographical factors, location, or locales are hardly of any relevance. The subject need only anchor the time bound personal self hard and fast to the timeless AMMA.
Pray that AMMA ever showers HER mercy on us all.