O God, may I ever be aware
That all forms come from you
And go to you and are you.
From the ‘worst’
(A serpent or snake to a demon or murderer)
To the Greatest Highest celestial Being!
Many time I can sense
God’s Presence in storm and hardship
Than when all is calm.
Thank God for difficulties
They make us mindful.
O space, O Sky, O Ether
Thee do I love, worship and adore
Out of you have I come
In you I now exist.
Thou art the motivator of all
Yet, at once, you are silent,
Silent, still and tranquil.
All things arise from you
Move in you and return unto you.
Motive comes from you,
O Ether, you alone are
Full, whole, Complete.
This is crazy writing, huh!
One day I will end in Silence,
Writing in joy and peace
Mother’s nature, Play, and Will.
‘My guardian angel forgot to catch me’
Cried a boy who did some circus ‘homely’
“He did not forget to catch you boy,
Just He wanted you remember HIM”
(Wrote Sri Gordon Westerlund,
Under his picture in Seattle times)
“Verily without the bumps of life,
We won’t be mindful, Isn’t that correct?”
The same ONE moves you as does me
It is not in a man what walketh
To direct his steps.
– Jeremia 10.3
All I can think is He
All I speak of is He
The ‘I’ is He
The ‘me’ is He
All I see is He
The ONE that is in ALL,
(To say the truth) one alone is,
To describe something it takes two!
But there being only ONE
Who can describe IT?
Who can tell of IT?
Yet, for fun and sport
He acts like He does, Huh!
In all the places I have been,
Nothing is so beautiful as the clouds
Truly the heavens declare
The glory and beauty of God.
What scene is there that is as fascinating
As the sunrise, the clouds and sunset?
Peace is the clear blue sky,
The stars too are HIS manifestations
And are extremely beautiful.
How would you like to live,
(Live on the circle of Arctic)
No flies, no bugs, no ants,
Heaven it is everywhere,
For, HE is there (HE is there!)
Bliss and happiness, Spirit and AMMA
(The twain are there as ONE)
Just (all) snow, Sky and peace
Bhagawan Akasha Omnipresent
All is quiet but for the wind!
Thee, O Space, do I love and adore
Thou art Everything, in thee is Everything
Thou art my parents, brothers, sisters
In THEE do I move and live
What is there beside THEE
Thou art the Essence of life and all.
Peaceful Perfect Blissful Silence
Above the all, behind the all
In all, through all round all
The Source of all, the End of all
Where is there that He is not?
What is there that He is not?
“In Him we live, in Him we move
In him we have our being”
(Acts 17:28)
Behind everything is ONE
Who cannot be described
He or IT is the source and end of all,
He is behind every mark,
Form, attribute, thought, desire
Word name and thing.
Behind God and Satan is THAT
Which is all pervading.
Without name, form, or attribute
The Source of all is source – less
Nameless, formless, attributeless.
What is, is the Highest
The absolute is all in all
The absolute is the only Actor
And motivator of every action.
Thou one in all,
Where there is one –
There is not two.
Yet Thou out of Thyself
Dost make duality,
The ONE in two, the two in ONE
O wonderful, glorious,
Wonderful ONE!
All voices and sounds are you
O, Thou Highest, dearest Lord –
How sweet you sound thro’ children,
Their loving voice
High toned, Innocent, pure!
(to be continued)