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Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 5
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2006

At Jillellamudi

As a part of the birthday celebration of Hymavathi Devi, the annual event, recital of Lalitha SahasraNamam ten million times took place at Jillellamudi on 22nd November. The Hymavathi Devi’s 63rd Jayanthi celebrations started on 15th Nov (Karthika Poornima) with the commencement of Hymavathi Janayithri Vratham and culminated with the Koti Nama Parayana.

Jillellamudi campus geared itself for the event with colorful shamianas and illumination. Arrangements were made for the comfortable seating of all the participants. The students of Matrusri Oriental College and High School beautifully decorated Himalaya with buntings and flowers. The students have actively participated not only in doing the parayana but also in making the required physical arrangements.

Hundreds of persons, most of them women, came from far and near places and participated in the recital. The atmosphere reverberated with the sacred chanting of the divine names. The recital was done with devotion and in a disciplined way. The climate was cool with an overcast sky and every one who participated felt the blessings of Amma and Hyma.

Sri Chakka Srimannaryana took keen initiative in mobilizing a good number of participants. Sri E.Hanuma Babu with the help of the College Lecturers and students effectively coordinated the Parayana and Puja activities.

In the evening, a large group of pilgrims from Pedanandipadu and residents performed Koti Deepotsavam, a special event this time. Sri Dasari Sambasivarao, Smt Lakshmi Kalyani and Sri Dasari Vasudevarao, Smt Katyayani, all of Pedanandipadu organized the Deepotsavam.

The images of Amma and Hymavathi Devi shone brilliantly, bedecked with ornaments and flower garlands. 63 varieties of prasadam were offered to Hymavathi Devi on her 63rd Jayanthi.

Sri V. Panduranga Rao, Resident Secretary (i/c) along with Sri V.Ramesh and other staff made all arrangements for the successful conduct of the function.

At Hyderabad:

Hyma’s 63rd birthday as per English Calendar was celebrated at Hyderabad on 18th November 2005 at the residence of Dr.T.S.Sastry as has been the practice since last several years. By 6.30 in the evening all the brothers and sisters in Hyderabad gathered at his spacious residence at Habsiguda, which wore a festive look with elaborate decoration. Lalita Sahasranamam was recited three times by all the participants followed by Ashtotharam (108 names of Lalita) and Ambika Ashtotharam (108 names of our beloved Mother). Delicious nivedana (offerings) prepared by Vijayakkayya (Mrs. Sastry) were reverentially offered to Hyma and distributed later to all the participants as Prasadam.

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