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Mannava Bucchiraju Sarma
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 20
Month : October
Issue Number : 4
Year : 2021

(rendered into English by Dr. Sista Shanta)

(Continued from the Previous Issue)

Song 33 – ‘In the enchanting play’

‘In the enchanting play’ was composed on 15-02-1958 and 19-02-1958 in Kommuru.

‘In the enchanting play

In the lullaby of bliss

Does the whole world remain?

Without any disturbance does it sleep’ – is the burden of the song.

‘In the compassionate Mother’s heart

In the charming friendship

In your unforgettable auspicious personality In the glorious patience’ – is the first stanza.

Mother is divine auspiciousness incarnate. She is the opulence of humanity. Whatever conditions exist in the world, is due to Mother’s compassion. Friendship means love. For both static and dynamic organisms in the world she alone is the Mother showering ambrosial tender love. One cannot forget her glorious divine form with her inherent instinctive infinite patience ruling and cajoling the entire universe, swaying and rocking in the cradle of tenderness.

‘In the gentle movement

Of the glow of MoonLight

In the blessing glimmer of the eyes

In the vigilant compassionate heart 

In the imperceptible look within

Her actions are the footprints to follow,

I forgot myself in your warm lap’ –

This is the second stanza. When we are awake we see the entire world and when we are asleep we do not know whether the world exists or not. Mother’s vision is to look at everything (the entire creation) as herself invisible – and imperceptible sweet. Mother’s compassion is the protective armor. Her undefinable powerful shower of blessings are like the lavish spray of nectar on the agitated mankind. Therefore, the only step that we can take is to take refuge at her feet. The entire universe sleeps with great abandon in Mother’s lap entrusting all their (burdens) responsibilities to her.

This is my opinion.

(to be continued)


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