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Laurels To Mother

M Lingeswara Rao
Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : English
Volume Number : 1
Month : February
Issue Number : 9
Year : 1967

WHO knows that a township is in the offing in the place of a hamlet, the abode of Holy Mother at Jillellamudi? During my early visits to Mother a cluster of small huts greeted my eyes and Mother fed us under the roof of her humble dwelling with all her simplicity. The passage to the village during rainy season was utterly difficult for our fellow pilgrims as the entire area lay submerged under water and Jillellamudi appeared like an island encompassed with water on all sides. Facing all these odds we used to visit Mother regularly because of Her compassion. The strain and stress of the journey vanished soon after stepping on the soil of Jillella mudi where we received bountiful treatment from Mother’s hands, who acted then as an ordinary household wife of the village Head man, our Father.

Her novel way of treatment first attracted our minds and the inspire talks and conversations captivated our hearts. Every visit during those days, made us feel filled with abundent zeal. From Her sweet tongue, divine melodies vibrated and dinned info our ears as lullabies, and from her presence divine fragrance wafted making us soul-intoxicated. Never before in history is to be found such unique example as Mother who upheavaled spiritualism and heralded a new or in the realms of Metaphysics. Many a hard nut in philosophy was solved within a twinkling of the eve by Her. In her presence the worldly cares and worries will flee like chaff before a storm. Weal and woe are equal to her. The divergent views of Mother on life speak in manifold activities that are presently taking shape.

She is a tower of strength to the helpless, a bea con to the ship-wrecked and is very close to the dis tant. My mind often dilates why she is evincing such keen interest in the problems of others and whether it is humanly possible to attend to innu merable needs of so many people. Her analysis of life remains ever green in my memory. To make life worth while, Her talks are of immense value. Self effort and God’s role is a controversial topic that often sprang between Mother, and myself and finally I was mummed by Her reasoning. Times out of number I volleyed number of points but because she is Mother She patiently put up with my childish pranks and cleared all my doubts. We do not come across such an individual with enormous patience, any where in the world. On one instance, recently, She disclosed that famine can be averted by patience!

Nowadays philosphy has become a dry subject and even the stalwarts of that field are unable to do justice to the common man. Ostrich like mentality of those champions failed to attract people and there by the nation turned spiritually bankrupt. In this hour of need we are lucky to see Mother who is always ready to respond to the call of the common man.

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