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Marakani Dinakar
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 14
Month : October
Issue Number : 4
Year : 2015

The bell tolls yet again. One of our dear members of the Jillellamudi fraternity breathed his last and merged in the eternal AMMA. The grieving fact is that his exit is much premature as he marked only five decades plus in terms of his age. In this brief life span he played a commendable role in the service of AMMA and JILLELLAMUDI in varied capacities, right from his boyhood and early teen years, endearing himself to one and all. My association with him is quite a long spell from the early 1970s, which is four decades plus.

Ramu as he is often referred to is very close to AMMA’S personal family, in the sense he is the younger brother of Brahmandam Seshu, the elder daughter-in-law of AMMA. He is the son of Nagamani Akkaiah and Matukumalli Sridhar Rao garu, close relatives of AMMA. Yet he moved as normally as anyone else and took to the brotherhood of Jillellamudi with complete ease, minding the odd jobs and diverse tasks at Jillellamudi.

He is a master of all trades; he knew electrical work, plumbing, driving and so on. He started his early career in Jillellamudi with these skills. A little later he joined the crew of the Van, which was more like an omnibus ferrying men, material and serving all other requirements of transport.

After a hard and difficult stint on this van, at AMMA’S instance he moved to the MATRUSRI MEDICAL CENTER. Here he widened and enhanced his skill set learning clinical jobs, pharmaceutical skills, nursing duties and all. In the MMC he is attached to Dr. A. Inaja Kumari, the physician attending on AMMA popularly known as Papa Akkaiah, in the circles of Jillellamudi.

In the early 1980s AMMA’S health was a cause of concern for everyone and there was recurring need of X-RAY. To meet this situation, Ramu has been trained in at Guntur in this field and he has been minding the X-RAYS of AMMA. I recall quite vividly his accompanying AMMA from the HOUSE OF ALL to the MMC at Jillellamudi, while inaugurating the X-RAY plant and taking the

X-RAY of AMMA. That was a memorable event.

Having acquired the driving license, he attended to the Ambulance, its running and ferrying the emergency cases to the nearest specialist center, which could be Guntur, Vijayawada or rarely even Hyderabad. Everyone thought of Ramu who took the call with the least hesitation, with a ready response, with care and concern. He also attended to the Jillellamudi folk who needed surgeries and other specialist care in the nearby Guntur or Vijayawada, taking and completing the treatments needed.

While such is the scenario running smoothly, quite unexpectedly he developed a cardiac condition of a severe nature. The prognosis as per the specialist opinion is not encouraging which only prescribed maintenance and continual care. This was the development since 2010 or so. Some specialists pronounced that the heart muscle is not functioning effectively and even his survival is a miracle.

As a person Ramu did not mind or heed all these medical pronouncements and prescriptions. He firmly anchored his faith on AMMA chanting HER NAMAM always and ever. He never flinched in the service of AMMA despite his apprehensive, critical physical condition.

The fact is in Jillellamudi, there are quite a few uncut gems, of intrinsic worth and unseen luster that involved themselves and immersed in AMMA’S service and the lofty cause of Jillellamudi, in actualizing AMMA’S message of love, care and togetherness. Brother Ramu is one such sterling personality though his person, his efforts and contribution of merit is unsung because of his modest and humble disposition he ever displayed to the outside world.

Pray AMMA BLESS and grant him eternal peace as he merged in HER eternal self. Pray AMMA grace his family with fortitude and good times of fortune to forge ahead and prosper in life with longevity.

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