C G Westerlund
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 2
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2003

Well, dear diary! 

Tonight our Home burnt to the ground.

And people are saying we lost everything

 But can the ‘T’ really lose or gain anything?

 No – It is ever the same throughout Eternity.

I am ever whole, complete – Lacking nothing.

The ‘T’ or ‘God’s spirit’ within each one of us,

 Is ever whole and complete.

Thus in essence or spirit of is fresh too –

 I can say, I am ever at Peace and Rest…

However, there were times I was a bit excited and worried.

 Why should that be, dear diary?

I guess life is just a game, a play

 Who knows? Who knows?

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