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Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 15
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2016

For the first time in the history of Matrusri Oriental College (MOC) Jillellamudi, a national level Telugu Literary Seminar was held under its aegis on a grand scale during January 30-31, 2016. Professors and Lecturers from different Universities and Affiliated Colleges participated in this seminar. Over 50 representatives from within and outside the state presented their research papers in this seminar. The organization of this seminar held with the theme “Society & Spiritual (Bhakti) Literature” proceeded in a magnificent style and spread happiness among everyone.

The Seminar that was held in the Conference Hall of the House of All (I floor of Annapurnalayam) was inaugurated by Sri Sri Siddheswarananda Bharati Swamy, the Head Pontiff of Siddheswari Peetham of Courtallam (Tamil Nadu) by lighting the traditional lamp.

The opening session on Saturday the 30th commenced at 10.00 am with prayer by Sri Ravuri Prasad and Welcome address by the Honorary Advisor Sri Mallapragada Srimannrayana Murty, former Lecturer of MOC. In the President’s remarks Sri. P.S.R Anjaneya Prasad, the Correspondent of the Matrusri Vidya Parishad said that the perennial flow of love towards once worshipful divinity is itself Bhakti. He further explained that spirituality arises because of Bhakti and it is possible to achieve human development in the society through spirituality.

Dr. BL Suguna, Principal of MOC explained the intention in devising the theme of the Seminar. She proved, through examples, the close relationship existing between society and the literature. She explained the main objective of organizing this seminar based on this theme in the presence of Amma who pronounced that complete humanism is divinity. She said that spirituality comes to fruition only when it is combined with social ideology and cited a few examples to show that this very truth is reflected in the spiritual literature.

The Chief Guest of the day the Head of the Dept. of Telugu (Retd.,) of Andhra University Prof. Kolavennu Malayavasini expressed happiness that the House of All established by Amma mirrored the poets’ feeling “the whole world became one house”. She also expressed that affection and equality are the main qualities of spirituality and that passing on this message should be the main goal of Bhakti Literature.

Prof. Varaprasada Murty, Head of the Telugu & Sanskrit Dept. as also Chairman of the Board of Studies of the Acharya Nagarjuna University presented Keynote paper in this seminar. He proved with evidence that since the Vedic Literature till today Spirituality and Bhakti Literature assumed importance in Sanskrit and Andhra (Telugu) Literature and that Bhakri literature played a key role in establishing humanism and in promoting Personality Development.

Sri Sri Siddheswarananda Bharati Swamy of Courtallam who came to inaugurate the seminar praised in his benedictory address, the glory of Spiritual Literature which had emerged with the sole goal of Universal well being. He expressed happiness over the seminar being organized in the presence of ‘Amma’ who demonstrated through practice the dharma of equality as propounded by the ancient Indian culture. Showering blessings and saying that the resolve to organize, in an affiliated college, a Seminar based on Spiritual Literature is a noble one and that the seminar would be successful with the Divine Grace of Amma. The benedictory address delivered by the Swami which was soaked in Bhakti Rasa and which went on in majestic style held everybody immersed in transcendental joy.

In the first part of the post-lunch session Dr. A. Chidambara Sastry, Retd. Telugu Lecturer of S.J.V. Oriental College, Thimmasamudram, who acted as coordinator explained with examples that Spiritual Literature has influenced the whole of humanity. In the second part Sri. Mallapragada Srimannarayana Murty, Retd. Lecturer of History, Matrusri Oriental College who acted as coordinator for the papers presented proved with evidence that the stories contained in the Bhakti Literature are all in fact symbols and to teach the highest dharma of humanism is the sole objective of this symbolism.

Dr. U. Varalakshmi, Retd. Lecturer in Telugu of Arts & Science College, Bapatla took upon the responsibility of the coordinator for the papers presented when the session resumed on 31st January in the morning. Explaining that there are guiding principles in the whole of Spiritual Literature to help humanity to tread the righteous path, she cited the greatness of the role of Kunti in Mahabharata as the evidence for such an explanation.

‘Shatavadhana Sharada’ (Avadhana is genre of Literary Presentation Specific to Telugu Literature) Dr. Shyamalananda Prasad of Syed Appalaswamy college, Vijayawada, who acted as the coordinator in the last part of the paper presentation explained showing evidence from several Kayyas (books) that the studies being carried out on Spiritual Literature will definitely yield positive results.

Sri Boppudi Ramabrahmam, President of the SVJP who presided over the concluding session of the seminar proved that spirituality provided the royal path for the fulfillment of human life citing Bhagavadgita, Bhagavatam etc. Sri P S R Anjaneya Prasad, Correspondent of the MOC who was the Honorary Guest for this session advised to inculcate righteous conduct through the study of Bhakti Literature.

Prof. Shalaka Raghunadha Sarma former Head of the Telugu Dept. of the Sri Krishnadevaraya University who was the Chief Guest of the concluding session of the seminar, said that spirituality helps in developing a sense of sacrifice, right conduct, equality among the human beings. He further explained that knowledge (or Jnana) is the source of spirituality that is needed for humanism to bloom and that such knowledge is abundantly available in our literature. He also said that great poets like Nannaya, Tikkana etc. who shaped Telugu literature in the footsteps of Vyasa and Valmiki handed down a great treasure that is invaluable and that we should make progress as inheritors of such wealth.

Papers with widely varied subjects such as ‘Nava Vidha Bhakti (Nine types of Bhakti), VeeraShaiva Literature, Ishwara Worship, Hospitality of Srinatha, the message of Annamayya Literature, Dhurjati’s Literary message, Potana’s message of Bhakti etc. were presented in this seminar. Representatives from distant places participated and presented their papers in this seminar.

Dr. BL Suguna, Principal of MOC proposed Vote of thanks acknowledging with gratitude the effort put in by everyone either directly or indirectly for the success of the seminar.

The Guests and Representatives who actively participated in this seminar were honored with shawls and mementos. The hospitality extended by Sree Viswajanani Parishat was commendable and the effort & the role played by ‘Amma Tattva Prachara Samithi’ Vijayawada in designing and in preparing the prelude to the seminar was matchless.

The teaching and nonteaching staff of Matrusri Oriental College & School are to be complimented for taking up the responsibility with dedication. The boys & girl students who performed all the service activities with a smile & patience won the praise of everyone. The cooperation extended by the Secretaries and Members of the Executive Committee of SVJP towards the grandeur and success of the seminar is indescribable.

The response that everyone felt in their heart of hearts that the shower of divine grace of every compassionate Mother made this seminar tread the path of success is unforgettable.

May Amma shower her Divine Blessings on this institution to achieve further glory and a bright future. 

Jayaho Mata!

– Reporter

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