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A. Varalakshmi
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 5
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2006

This was in September 2005. My mind was restless for a few days with bad dreams and unpleasant feelings. I thought ‘maybe I should do some kind of ‘parayana’ (reading a Holy Book). Next day in the mail I received ‘Viswajanani’ magazine. In it I found attached to it a booklet of ‘Khadgamala’. I felt maybe it is Amma’s desire that I should do Khadgamala parayanam. Immediately next morning I started parayana 11 times a day. I decided to continue for 40 days.

Two days later I had a dream. I saw Kali with a sword, and 4 hands. She was guarding my house, and chasing away many wild animals from entering. Later on Amma came to my house. Then I woke up. I was wondering what it meant.

Next day my husband had a very unpleasant meeting with his new boss. There were some unpleasant management changes in his office. He came home tense and said he wanted to quit the job and look for something else. I was worried, and then remembered my dream. I thought since Amma is guarding my house nothing should happen. I was praying to Amma, that there should not be any break for his work. I was also praying that somebody should intervene and give him sometime so he can find a job and then quit this. Luckily his previous boss intervened, spoke with him and told him to stay cool for a few days before quitting. He also spoke with the present boss to take it easy. That made him stay on the job for a few more days. He started applying for other opportunities and was attending interviews. But nothing appealed to him. He was on pins and needles at work. Everyday he came home unhappy and tense. Meanwhile, I was praying to Amma. I was praying that She should help just as She helped Rangacharyulu*.

Then one day suddenly he got a message from an old friend of his that there was an opening for his group in his Company, and if my husband knew anybody looking for a job, he could send this message to them. This came out of the blue as he did not ask his friend for any leads. He applied for it. But this job was in Boston. I was disappointed. We cannot move to Boston leaving my children’s music school. Again, I left the final decision to Amma. I prayed Her to take care of it. His friend spoke with the person in charge and convinced him that the job can be done from San Francisco, and also the person could attend meetings at the headquarters in the Bay area. The manager agreed to it. My husband had his telephonic interview the day after Vijayadasami (Dussehra). We thought there would be a personal interview. But one hour after the phone interview, we got a call saying he got the job. Not only that, he is also offered a big jump in salary. I was wondering if it is all real? Is this really happening? But it is real and he got a written offer and soon is starting on the new job.

Amma did intervene and helped us as She helped Rangacharyulu*. Maybe it is a coincidence that the episode of Rangacharyulu, penned by Sri Chaganti, is published in the Oct ’05 issue of Mother of All. It is Her way of confirming that She did this for me, responding to my prayers. Amma’s ways are beyond our comprehension. I could not thank Her enough for all this.

I read another article by ‘Murthisri’ on Amma’s feet. I remembered my own experience of how She put Her feet in my lap once. I was remembering Her soft Holy feet before going to sleep. Next day in the mail I received Prasadam from Jillellamudi with a picture card of Her feet. Amma is with us every minute and every second. She is always looking after our needs. Nee Charanam Ne Viduvanamma. (I will never leave your Holy feet Amma).

(*a temple priest whom Amma helped in her childhood)

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