Jillellamudi is a small village situated in Bapatla Taluk, Andhra Pradesh, where there is the Universal Mother to give Darsan to Her children.
Several families are there around Mother. They are never attached to the earthly benefits. They never think of their homes nor give importance to their personal comforts. By this it can be inferred that every responsibility of theirs is thrust on the Mother. They are always gay and happy looking into the needs of the Ashrama.
At the day-break before 5 a.m. we hear Suprabhatam,” (Morning Prayers), read before Amma’s abode and its duration is less than an hour. At the same time Sankeerthanam is read to the accompaniment of rhythmic ringing of Jeganta. The content of the hymn is that Shiva, Rama, Krishna Vithala are all one and that they are all functioning out of the grace of Mula Shakhti-AMMA.
Next, inmates of the Ashram voluntarily go to attend to any work that they come by. There is none to allot work. Work that one takes to is self-willed, and not imposed by any external agency.
Haridas who has dedicated his body and soul to the service of the Mother is seen ever busy providing for the comfort of the visitors. He also looks after the provisions in the kitchen.
The average number of visitors is two to three hundred a day. Required quantum of drinking-water is drawn from a tank. A cart with a drum on it drawn by bullocks works 6 to 7 hours a lay The campus is always busy and we find nobody lazy. Any new eomer will be happy to join hands in the business of the Ashram, Less talk and more work appears to be the motto there.
The average annual expenditure of the kitchen only exceeds a lakh of rupees. The income comes on its own accord and the Mother only knows its’ source. Food will be served in a polite manner. No gaudy items of Menu are served there. The visitors nterested in the Darshan of the Mother will never care for a rich diet. The diet is rich for its nutritious value..
People cluster around the Mother. And whatever comes out of lips of the Mother will be pertaining to each and every individual in the gathering. She often inquires whether children have had their food. Several aspects of earthly and spiritual topics will be discussed. And it is a lively discussion which one should not miss.
People get an interval when the Mother goes for bath! Generally everybody will obtain consent and prasadam of the Mother before he leaves for his place.
On some moon-lit nights, the Mother Herself serves food to a number of visitors. One feels one is lucky in being present on such great occasion.
When once we see the Prasannavadanam of our Holy Mother we forget all our sorrows and earthly attachments.