Pannala Radhakrishna Sarma
Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : Sanskrit
Volume Number : 2
Month : August
Issue Number : 5
Year : 1967

कावा कामे त्वमलकुटीर स्थनिकटे

विचित्रा दीनाः श्रवणयुगळी तोषण चणाः ।

स्वसृभ्रातृ प्रोक्ताः जननि ! तव गाधाबहुविधाः

मुद्दा श्रावं श्रावं निमिष भित्र नेप्यानि दिवसान् ॥

– “श्रृंगारलहरी”

Mother! When can I spend days like minutes, listening happily to thy deeds, varied, wondrous and sanctifying, sung delightfully by the brothers and sisters at thy sanctum sanctorum at Jillellamudi?

– Sringaralahari

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