Pannala Radhakrishna Sarma
Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : Sanskrit
Volume Number : 2
Month : October
Issue Number : 7
Year : 1967

कदावा कामे मधुर मधुरामाद भरितं

 भवानि त्वादस्वपन महितं तोथे ममलम् ।

 भृशं पापाय व्यपगत परिश्रान्ति विसरः

 नवानन्दोत्साहो निमिष भित्र नेप्यामि दिवसान् ॥

– “शृंगारलहरी”

Mother! Oh, Bhavani! When can I spend days like minutes, having overcome all weariness by partaking of Thy Padateertha, which is pure and perfuming, to my heart’s content, and having been infused with a new joy and a new bliss?

– Sringaralahari.

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