Pannala Radhakrishna Sarma
Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : English
Volume Number : 2
Month : November
Issue Number : 8
Year : 1967

वित्तं वित्तं मामुपनय तुराबा दसुलभं

तदन्नं चानन्नं वितर परसौख्यैक जननम्

तथा निद्रां निद्रां अभय गुणमुद्रा मृषिनुता

मनस्त्वां याचे हं न किमपि कदावापि जननि !

– “श्रृंगारलहरी”

Mother! Grant me the wealth which (even) Indra cannot get and the food which affords bliss transcendental and the sleep. which is no sleep so prized by Rishies, the sleep that saves. I never pray for anything else.

– Sringaralahari

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