Release of a DVD & an Audio CD in Hyderabad
“Matru Ved” – is a Documentary film in Hindi based on some select sayings of Amma for which paintings were done by an artist along with some visual clippings taken from the original film on Amma made in the 1970s. This Documentary film was produced by Mr.Kali Prasad Ganti of Chennai, a very ardent devotee of Amma and directed by Mr.Ramkapil Sarma of Hyderabad, who earlier directed a Tele-film on Amma’s life and a documentary film titled ‘Matru Vedam’ in Telugu, also both produced by Mr.Kali Prasad. The Hindi version was made for the benefit of the non-Telugu speaking people.
A function was held under the auspices of the Sri Viswajanani Parishat(SVJP) in Sri Sundarayya Vignana Kendram, Hyderabad on 13th October, 2012 for the release of a DVD and an Audio CD of the songs of the film. Sri VSR Murty, a well known Spiritual Scientist of Hyderabad was the Chief Guest and Dr. Potturi Venkateswara Rao, Former Chairman, Press Academy of the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh was the Guest of Honor for the function while Mr.M.Dinakar, the current resident of the SVJP Presided over the function.
At the outset, Mr. Dinakar, in his Presidential Address spoke at length, describing about Amma and his own close association with Amma spanning over 4 decades. Then Dr.Potturi spoke, praising the way the function was being held akin to a family function and reminisced nostalgically about his 5 decades old relationship with Jillellamudi and his association with Amma.
Then, the DVD was released by Dr. Potturi and the Audio CD by Sri VSR Murty. Soon after the release aspect is over, the program was interspersed by thwe screening of “Matru Ved ” which was edited specifically to suit the duration of the function.
After the screening of the film, Sri VSR Murty delivered his speech which was both instructive and inspiring for its content. He made a comparative narration about Jillellamudi Amma, Bhagawan Sri Satyasai Baba and Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi pointing to their respective ways of expressing the same Truth. Highlighting Amma’s sayings and their import to the present Age, he exhorted everybody to study the two books in Telugu ‘Amma Amma Vakyalu’ and ‘Ammato Sambhashanalu’ both by Dr. Sripada Gopalakrishna Murty and imbibe what all Ama said for our own evolution and elevation to the higher realms of Spiritual awakening.
Later, all the speakers, the members of the production unit associated with the film along with Mr. Kali Prasad and Mr.Ramkapil Sarma were honored with clothes as Amma’s Prasadam and presented with Mementos. A special citation was prepared by the Unit of Mr. Ramkappil Sarma and presented to Mr. Kali Prasad and Smt. Usha, his wife.
The whole Program was ably compered by Smt.Anasuya Tangirala showing sparks of her experience and versatility.
Prasadam specially brought from Jillellamudi was distributed to the audience. The program ended with a formal Vote of Thanks by Sri BVR Sastry, Secretary,