It was a fine evening in the year 1984 when the Sun was about to set and a cool breeze was flowing across. Amma was strolling on the terrace and HER radiance was enhanced by the gentle sunshine. SHE was holding my hand and I was enjoying the bliss of the Divine touch and more of Her affection. This joy need not be explained to all old-timers who visited Jillellamudi when AMMA was amongst us physically. She walked up to the parapet wall on the terrace and looked down. The Asbestos roof of the Annapurnalayam below was full of all kinds of garbage. I felt immensely bad at this scene and was also ashamed that the organizers could not pay proper attention to this. However, I did not utter a single word. Suddenly AMMA turned and facing me SHE said “All this will go away Nanna. A beautiful dining hall will come up here”. Pointing and waving HER hands she further said “the second level will come upto here and it will be a very big Hall where people can pray.” I was very happy and skeptical at the same time bearing in mind the financial status of the Institution. (As you know the Institution was always in Red since all the funds were first diverted to Annapurnalayam and for distribution of clothes to the visitors irrespective of their status).
The words of AMMA have become a reality after 31 years when the beautiful new building of Annapurnalayam was inaugurated on 2nd Dec, 2015 at a Grand Gala function.
Mr. R. Sundararaman of Chennai was an industrialist and I had come in contact with him for my official purpose. However, when I came to know about his spiritual pursuits, his closeness to Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham and his personal experiences with the present Seer of Kanchi Peetham I have narrated all about Amma and Jillellamudi. Not only himself but his entire family were attracted to AMMA and very soon he became an important member among the devotee circle of Chennai. He had darshan of AMMA and participated in all the programmes at Chennai in close association with Sri Padmanabhan (a very ardent devotee from Chennai who was also a member of Sri Viswajanani Parishat Executive Committee). He heartily welcomed everybody from Jillellamudi to his house, extended good hospitality and his house became a pivotal point for many of our brethren.
Since Mr. Sundararaman was a very influential businessman and popular among the elite society of Chennai, I was hoping that he would do something in a big way for the development of our Institution. With this in mind I used to go to him quite frequently with some proposal or the other but any positive outcome eluded me. This went on for 3-4 years. One day when I was in AMMA’s room, without any context She suddenly said “Do not go after Sundararaman so much. He will not do anything” and with a pause SHE added “He cannot do anything” – I was surprised at this because AMMA never makes any kind of remarks about anybody. Within two years of this incident Sundaraman passed away with a sudden massive heart attack. Then only I could understand AMMA’s words “He cannot do anything “
Does it not reveal Amma’s Omniscience?