Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 6
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2007

Many brothers and sisters who had some association with Amma and Jillellamudi must have definitely heard of Mr. William James Campion, affectionately called by one and all as James. The 6’2″ personality of James is well known and conspicuous to all the visitors of this holy place.

Mr. James, born in the United Kingdom is a graduate in Law. He was drawn to Amma, when She visited Ramana Ashram in 1975 when he was only 22 years old. In the same year, he came to Jillellamudi and remained there ever since till 1993. He has constructed his own house in the Campus. He always has an abiding interest in Amma and the Institutions She initiated.

Amma performed different types of marriages in different ways. But, the marriage of James was different from any of them. It happened after Amma left her body. But the presence of Amma was felt by each and every one who attended the function.

It was on 10th November 1991, Mr. James married Ms.Sandhya Parvati, a devout Hindu at Jillellamudi. It was truly an event that generated considerable joy and happiness among a cross section of the children of Amma. Brothers and sisters have attended the function from as far as Madras, Hyderabad and Kakinada. Many close friends have come 3 or 4 days in advance to help in the planning and preparations for the marriage. The offer of help was spontaneous and sincere and had cut across all the barriers of cast, color, creed and social status.

Meticulous planning and care was evident at every stage. The feeding of the entire village and distribution of clothes to all the inmates and a large number of visitors reminded everyone of the good old days when Amma Herself used to perform these functions. Everything was in abundance.

But, November is the month which most farmers in Coastal Andhra dread. Storms and cyclones are very common in this area and nature is highly uncertain during this period. The year 1991 was also no exception. There was continuous downpour of the rain that threatened to ruin everything that was planned. The entire village had become a vast puddle.

Amma, in the form of Nature blessed. Just four days before the marriage, the downpour suddenly stopped – just in time for the land to dry up, to facilitate visitors to come to Jillellamudi and the function to go smoothly. Inclement weather and rain again commenced four days after the marriage!

Amma’s blessings were evident in other ways as well. Mr. Richard Schiffman, who was at Kerala at that time, found no vacancy in any train as per the board displayed at the Station. But, when he persistently went to the reservation counter, the clerk found just one vacancy! The Cochin Express (now called Sabari Express), he was traveling by, had no stop at that time between Gudur and Vijayawada. So, Richard planned to go all the way to Vijayawada and come back to Bapatla. This means an extra six hour journey. Will Amma allow such inconvenience to Her dear child, especially when he is coming to attend James’ marriage? To his great surprise and joy, the train inexplicably made an unscheduled halt at Chirala station, only a few miles from Jillellamudi, his destination!!

After James got children, he shifted to Mysore and is presently staying there with his wife and two children Ragini Anasuya and Tarun in view of their education. Though he is physically away from Jillellamudi, his mind, his thoughts are always with Amma. His involvement in the activities of Sri Viswajanani Parishat is second to none. He was instrumental in starting Matrusri Medical Centre more than three decades ago. He is still supporting this Institution in a very big way.

May the Divine Mother continue to bless him and his family with all happiness, joy, prosperity and contentment!

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