Dr Tangirala Simhadri Sastry
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 9
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2010

Two recent instances demonstrating Amma’s ever-graceful omnipresence as narrated by brother Mr. B. Ravindra Rao are described in the following for the benefit of the devotee children of Amma:

 On 6th January, 2010 a Telugu gentleman by name Mr. Haribabu Ponnekanti, a native of Annaparru village near Pedanandipadu of Guntur Dist., and living presently in Australia visited Jillellamudi after several years. On coming to know of his visit, Ravi went to Jillellamudi to receive and keep company with him, as many of our brothers were in Bapatla to attend and organize the weekly program of feeding the poor at Late Chidambara Rao’s house. The gentleman told Ravi as to how this trip came about after he had a memorable darshan of Amma way back in 1975, after which he never had an occasion to visit again. But recently while he was in Sydney, a friend of his, to his utter surprise, gave him a photograph of Amma. This was suggested to him as a pleasant reminder and an invitation from Amma. Then he immediately resolved to visit Jillellamudi during his planned trip to India and hence this visit. He came along with the members of his family and while coming he brought 250 blankets to be distributed among the students (boys & girls) of Matrusri Oriental College & School. He also urged the management to purchase and install a water-cooler in the boys’ hostel, making the required contribution for the purpose. Amma’s acts remain ever mysterious!!

 The second instance also narrated by Mr. Ravindra Rao relates to the visit of a doctor from Chennai (Madras) on the evening of 6th January, 2010. The doctor, an Orthopedician, by name Parthasaradhi arrived in Bapatla en route to Jillellamudi accompanied by Mr. Kaliprasad Ganti, who works for a bank in Chennai and an ardent devotee of Amma. His visit also came about in a strange way as it happens with Amma. Again it was brother Ravi who played host to them when they landed in Bapatla. The doctor described the background that led to this visit, expressing pleasant surprise over the way Amma beckoned him. It appears that he happened to visit, as a doctor, the daughter of

Mr. Kaliprasad at his residence one day. There he saw the photograph of Amma which struck him so well that he immediately recalled his father’s visits to Jillellamudi in the early 1960s along with one Mr. Kutumba Rao, also of Chennai (Incidentally, Mr. Kutumba Rao during his visits to Jillellamudi used to bring his Camera and shoot several photographs of Amma). Then he understood this incident as a call from Amma and decided to visit Jillellamudi, which he conveyed to Kaliprasad.

Stranger still is the momentous act of Amma (as told by him) to which his father was not only a witness but also a beneficiary. It appears that Amma took out a small idol of Annapurna Devi from nowhere and gave it to his father!! Amma is never known to have performed such acts either in the past or during later years. But we have to accept it as authentic as this was reported directly by the beneficiary’s son. It also appears that they have kept this idol in their puja ever since.

After this brief halt in Ravi’s house in Bapatla, Dr. Parthasaradhi accompanied by Kaliprasad proceeded to Jillellamudi and fulfilled his wish to his heart’s content.

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