There was a misconception that Amma denied the need for Sadhana. Amma clarified the matter in later conversations saying that “the Sadhana should be possible (for Sadhaka)”.
To corroborate the above fact, Amma did ask or instruct quite a few fortunate people to do a particular thing, though she did not give it the name “Sadhana”, probably because she was never a Guru. She was Amma first and last. She told some to attend Suprabhatam, some to do Pradakshina (circumambulation) a certain number of times and some to perform Abhishekam, etc. Amma had even initiated some into Mantra in the traditional way and instructed them how to do it. When Gayatri Yagam was performed in 1984, Amma gave many that holy Mantra. The initiation she gave to nearly 600 persons on Magha Purnima in 1958 was famous for more than one reason. When Amma was talking to some foreigners on this topic, Daniel, a 19 year Israeli boy asked “Can ironing out of clothes constitute Sadhana?” “Certainly”, Amma replied “provided it is done with that attitude” for further clarification. Till he left Jillellamudi, Daniel was ironing the clothes of Amma with dedication and devotion.
In those days, visitors used to stare at foreigners cheerfully grinding away a block of sandalwood into a bowlful of paste for Amma’s use. Amma, in Her turn encouraged by using all the paste, so enthusiastically prepared by them. That remained the Sadhana of Mr. Richard Schiffman the author of the famous classic ‘Mother of All’ for a long period.
To sum up, what Amma was advocating was that even a trivial thing can become a Sadhana, provided the same is performed with that attitude, devotion and intensity.
Probably there is none who did not have some sort of dream some time or other. Mostly it is taken as some sort of fantasy or projection of mind etc. At one time Amma said that they are not merely dreams. “They may be true. Mostly they are” asserted
Amma. Experience also indicates that dreams involving the Divine experiences are not dreams but Visions.
Brother Valluri Panduranga Rao was working at Kavali, Nellore Dist. of A.P. On Mukkoti Ekadasi, he had a dream in which Amma paid them a visit to their house dressed in a beautiful yellow saree. Among other things, he performed Puja to Amma and at the end of Puja, he offered Nivedana and placed Rs. 116/- at Her feet along with “Tambulam”. All this in his dream.
After a few days, brother Panduranga Rao visited Jillellamudi, performed Puja as he does normally and placed Rs.116/- at Her feet just as he had done in his dream. Amma, in her turn called sister Vasundhara and handed over the amount saying “this is the amount he had offered when I went to his house at Kavali”. Brother Panduranga Rao was elated to hear the assertion of Amma that She indeed visited their house and that the dream was not a mere dream but a vision! Yet, he wanted further confirmation. He went to sister Vasundhara and asked which color Saree Amma wore on Mukkoti Ekadasi day. The reply was “Yellow Saree”.
In 1991, brother Panduranga Rao constructed a house in Jillellamudi. During Gruhapravesam he purchased 108 coconuts, but broke only a few of them.
A few days later, brother Giridhar Kumar, a nephew of Panduranga Rao had a dream. In his dream, on the day of Gruhapravesam of Panduranga Rao, Amma, dressed in white saree, was moving among guests holding the hand of Kumar. After a while, Amma made Kumar break 108 coconuts. Kumar took this as an indication, came to Jillellamudi and broke 108 coconuts in Anasuya Swaralayam.
Within a month of this, Kumar’s marriage was settled !!