Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 16
Month : October
Issue Number : 4
Year : 2017


It is a fact that many people came to Jillellamudi and surrendered to Amma. It is also a fact that in many cases they came with a negative attitude or just to oblige some friend. Some of them have even tested Her before accepting Amma.

Sri M. Appala Naidu was a Post Graduate in Agriculture. Way back in 1962, he was working as an Assistant Lecturer in Agronomy at Agricultural College, Bapatla. He was a staunch devotee of Sri Meher Baba. He strongly believed in Baba’s admo

nition against visiting too many Masters.

So, when Sri K. Ramamohana Rao, the then District Agricultural Officer, Guntur invited him to Jillellamudi, he was in a fix. He did not want to go. He, also, did not want to displease his friend. He initially decided to put a test on Amma. “If She is a real Master. She should call me by name as I approach Her” he men tally decided that as a test.

At Jillellamudi, the door of Amma’s room was closed and they had to wait a few minutes in the verandah. During that time, a brother approached the waiting group and enquired who among them was Sri Appala Naidu. Sri Naidu identified himself. Then he was asked: “Amma wanted to enquire whether you brought your flute along with you” – Sri Naidu, to say the least, was flabbergasted. Amma, not only knew his name, but also that he was waiting for Her darshan at that very moment and that he plays on flute!! Amma, as far as he is concerned, passed the test in flying colors!

Later, at the holy feet of Amma, he shed copious tears and lamented that he did not visit Jillellamudi though he was living only a few miles away. Amma, in all Her compassion, consoled him and said: “Nanna, Meher Baba said that he has come not to teach but to awaken – Is it not so? I say that there is no difference between me and Meher Baba. You can see me in Meher Baba or Meher Baba in me”.

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