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Tangirala Ramamohana Rao
Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 21
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2022

Yesterday evening I went with family to Secunderabad side in my car.

Of late, my car was occasionally rocking while running. I was thinking that it could be due to improper pressing of accelerator.

But, yesterday it was more. Somehow I managed to reach the place without much problem. While returning to Chaitanyapuri after 8 p.m., the rocking got increased leading to stopping suddenly in the traffic, with much difficulty I could drive up to Mettuguda and stopped on the road side. I was trying to contact 24×7 vehicle breakdown service. But, couldn’t contact anyone and I was in a panicky situation.

Became helpless, I was praying Amma to show some way out. After a few minutes, two people came on a two wheeler and enquired about the problem. I explained them the problem. Both of them were tall and hefty. The man sitting as pillion happened to be a car mechanic. He was going with his friend after attending another vehicle breakdown.

The man had an injury on his right foot and was with bandage. He was limping as he could not put his foot on ground. With all that pain he asked me to open the bonnet of the car and checked the ignition area (normally called Delco). He said, ” ignition contact got jammed. That’s why you are getting the problem. It has to be replaced.**

I requested him to go ahead. With his friend’s help he replaced the jammed contact with a new one.

I was also lucky that he had a new ignition contact in his toolkit. He was profusely sweating due to heat, feeling pain in right foot and when he had to work bending forward he was getting back pain after a few minutes. With all his personal suffering, he corrected my problem. He then sat with me in the car and asked me to drive to check if car would give any problem. Satisfied with the performance of the car, he got down at CCMB and joined his friend who was following us.

I had no words to thank him. I paid him whatever amount he asked and reached home safely.

I was sure in my heart that it was ‘Amma’ who heard my prayers and sent them to help me at that odd hour. Who else can think of the safety of her children !! “


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