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Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 19
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2020

Dr Potturi Venkateswara Rao, noted journalist and a great celebrity is an ardent devotee of Amma. He was visiting Amma from the late 1950s. He had the unique opportunity of spending long hours in conversation with Amma in those days.

One of those days he was on his way to Jillellamudi along with Dr Prasadaraya Kulapathi, his close friend (Now Siddheswar ananda Bharati, Head of Courtallam Peetham). It was around 7.45 pm in the evening. Being winter, darkness was already cast all over-no street lights and added to it, rain started slowly. Visibility was completely blank. Occasional passers by on the way cautioned that it is not advisable to proceed further as the canals are overflowing and already a couple of palm trees used as a bridge to cross the culverts were swept away in the water.

They were caught in the dilemma. However, a light was blinking at a distant place raising their sinking hopes. Encouraged, Sri Kulapathi said “there might be a village there. If we can find shelter for the night, we may proceed the next morning to Jillellamudi”. Both Sri Kulapathi garu and Venkateswara Rao garu were strong and able bodied. They were confident of meeting any unlikely event of attack on them. But in this darkness, there could be a lurking danger of poisonous reptiles moving around. However, as there is no other way, they proceeded blindly and slowly towards the blinking light unmindful of wayside hurdles.

Strange! The place with blinking lights was none other than their destination – Jillellamudi the abode of Amma!! They could not identify the way as it was pitch dark. They were so happy to see Amma and Amma most innocuously asked Sri K. Ramakrishna who was by her side “How could these two come here? And how could they cross that canal which was overflowing?” Ramakrishna annayya replied “maybe they came via Returu village”. Amma again said “even then, they had to cross the canal which was full of water and was overflowing.”

They were totally at a loss to answer. They just did not know how they could cross that Canal in that rain. Only Amma knows the answer! Was the incident not reminiscent of Vasudeva crossing the river Yamuna in that dark night carrying just born Lord Krishna? River Yamuna gave way to Vasudeva to safely cross over to reach Repalle. Similarly, the canal must have given way to Kulapati garu and Sri Venkateswara Rao garu.

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