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Sri Hymavathi Devi 73rd Jayanti Celebrations At Hyderabad

Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 15
Month : January
Issue Number : 1
Year : 2016

Continuing the tradition of holding the Jayanti Celebrations of Sri Hymavati Devi in Hyderabad for the past nearly 39 years, these were held this year also on 18th November, 2015 at the residence of Dr. T.S. The celebrations are held in Hyderabad as per the date of birth, so as not to come in clash with those in Jillellamudi where these are held as per the Thidhi’ (Following the Lunar Calendar).

The celebration commenced at 10.30 a.m. and comprised of collectively performing puja to Hymavati Devi and Amma seated on a dais tastefully and colorfully decorated with floral arrangement

The puja consisted of collectively chanting ‘Lalitha Sahasra names’ twice to make it a total of 100,000 (1 Lakh), followed by performing puja with Lalita and Hyma Ashtottarashata (108) nama Stotram.

A very special feature of this year’s celebration is very cleverly and artistically adorning Hyma’s Photograph with a Saree and blouse by Smt. Anasuya, giving the impression of a live Hyma sitting there wearing that saree!!

Another special aspect of puja this year was performing puja to Hymavati Devi with ‘Champa’ flowers specially obtained from Vizianagaram with the kind help of Sri M. Jagannadham, an old student of MOC and presently working as a Lecturer, who arranged to transport them by train while brother Sri Valluri Basavaraju helped to collect them from Secunderabad Rly. Station. It is believed that ‘Champa’ flowers are very dear to ‘Lalita Devi’.

The puja ended with performing the stipulated rituals and then was followed by delicious and sumptuous lunch (Amma Prasadam) to the heart’s content of over 150 devotee children of Amma from the twin cities and also some outsiders who made special efforts to attend this function.

Another notable feature this year was the gracious presence, apart from that of Sri VSR Moorty, was that of Sri L.V. Subrahmanyam, IAS, Special Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh along with his wife Smt. Soumya, and Sri K. Narasimha Murty, a noted Chartered Accountant and Financial Analyst from Hyderabad. It is particularly satisfying that brother Brahmandam Ravindra Rao, Patron of SVJP was able to attend this function along with his wife Smt. Vydehi.

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