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Sweetest Mother of all mothers

Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 7
Month : July
Issue Number : 3
Year : 2008

Ma, the Sweetest Mother of all mothers

 What a folly of my mind

I offer not the flowers of the heart

 Unto Thy lovely blessed lotus feet.

Ma, the Sweetest Mother of all mothers

What a folly of my mind

I chant not Thy loveliest Names 

That can redeem all from the dismal world.

Ma, the Sweetest Mother of all mothers 

 What a folly of my mind 

I hanker to indulge in all pleasures

 Not basking in Thy self-sacrificing presence.

Ma, the Sweetest Mother of all mothers

 I offer this tiny prayer at Thy Lotus Feet

To banish all thoughts and desires of the folly mind

Merging in Thy Eternal, Blissful, True, Blessed Self.

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