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Tales from Jillellamudi for Children – 25

Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 8
Month : April
Issue Number : 2
Year : 2009


Dear sweet children!

You have been already told in Part I, how the Saint reacted to the stunning replies given by Amma in two different ways to two different questions posed by him.

And now, please go through the second part concluding the blessed event.: 

The Swami’s third and last reaction

He had evidently no further field to traverse and engage Amma any longer. He was reasonably at his wit’s end. We now hear him ecstatically shouting at the top of his voice: ” RAMABRAHMAM!!”

Whom did he shout for?

 Whom did he address?

Let us recall that the Swami was an ardent devotee of SRI RAMA. He had already scripted the entire RAMAYANA in Telugu. He constantly sang the glories of RAMAYANA wherever he went. The vibrant facts always coursed through his veins. He now experienced the direct vision of SRI RAMA in Amma standing right before him.

But Amma’s uncle, also interestingly RAMABRAHMAM by name, who reverently stood by, felt that it was he that was called by the saint for some service. He promptly moved forward and responded to the call with folded arms, murmuring: “Swami! What shall I do? What is thy command?”

But the Swami softly nudged him aside saying it was not him that he called. He pointedly drew the uncle’s attention to the golden pendant of SRI RAMA happily dangling from the saint’s neck as the deity he eagerly addressed

But the uncle innocently expressed genuine curiosity how SRI

RAMA was so abruptly called by the saint while it was Amma that

stood before him.

The saint solved the puzzle for him, unambiguously, making it clearer that he experienced the glorious vision of SRI RAMA in Amma. And he assured him that similar would be the experience of others too when their fortune ripened and the right moment arrived!.

Evidently the Swami’s heart was full to the brim with devotion on seeing and hearing Amma. He drew her into his bosom and planted a parental kiss on her forehead.

Ramabrahmam Leaves

In the meantime Amma’s uncle slyly left the place with his wife and son. He did not take the customary leave from the saint, nor did he inform Amma even. I would say that he ought not to have behaved that way. He sought Amma’s services from Maridamma Tatamma. It was therefore his bounden duty to escort back Amma to Tatamma. This he failed to do; a silly, selfish, irresponsible creature that he undoubtedly was. How did he expect her to go back all the way to Mannava?

The Curtain Falls

The Swami asked Amma to stay put with him at Brahmanakoduru for some more days. But Amma replied that she preferred to leave. “How would you reach your place?” was the Swami’s dilemma. Amma replied that she would walk alone or go by some conveyance that she might chance to come by. There was no difference in her voice. There was no problem for her, she assured the saint.

The great Swami, the Andhra Valmiki, the KAVI SARVABHAUMA, surprisingly stumbled on the ten-year old Amma in his 70th year (1933) – a rare experience which he least bargained for.

The saint closed his eyes in deep reverence watching the fading figure of departing Amma, and wondered within himself – “Has SRI RAMA, my God, come to me in the form of this girl?”

He bathed in waves of transparent bliss.

Dear Children! This is a unique instance in Amma’s history, unambiguously revealing the divine stature beyond a shadow of doubt.

You have been told earlier how GUNDEL RAO, a paralytic waiting at the threshold of death also had a vision of his chosen deity SRI RAMA in Amma!

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