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Tales from Jillellamudi for Children – 30 (AMMA’S OCCULT STATURE THRILLS A VISITOR)

Magazine : Mother of All
Language : English
Volume Number : 9
Month : October
Issue Number : 4
Year : 2010

Dear Sweet Children,

We continue to keep company with Amma, aged eleven, in MANNAVA. She continued to visit the tamarind tope. Moulali stayed in DOPPALAPUDI for his food and visited Amma in the forest.

One day as usual she repeated her visit and found Moulali present but asleep. She did not choose to disturb him. Let him rest, she said to herself.

At that time a person by name SURAYYA reached the spot as usual for collecting tender tamarind leaves. I have already told you how the villagers collected plenty of tender leaves and ripe fruit. Soorayya incidentally observed Amma and felt like sitting close to her. He was familiar with arcane subjects like “Srividya” and “Tantra Vidya”. He was generally not in the habit of acknowledging the authority of all and sundry, whom he was not familiar with. But now when he observed Amma, his impression totally changed and he developed veneration for her at the very first sight.

Just at that time, it happened that blood gushed forth from the crown of Amma’s head. At the same time blood came as though through a slit in her forehead too. Soorayya was stunned on observing the same in the head and forehead. He immediately placed both his palms to stop the flow. The blood which emitted a sweet smell quickly turned into ash. Soorayya unhesitatingly licked it off.

Soorayya’s bewilderment made him curious to know Amma’s name which she gave. He enquired about the frequency of this phenomenon. She told him she herself was not aware how long she had been experiencing the same.

Amma added; “I know only when somebody points it out to me. Sometime back a person called Kondala Rao Swamy happened to sit by my side. Casually pressing my head, he commented that the top of my head was exceedingly soft and oozed blood too. He has enquired since when I had that experience. I could not answer him. He also commented that the whole place had plenty of sweet odors. His comments were similar to yours’ ‘, she told Soorayya.

Soorayya commented: “This state of yours is extraordinary. It is achieved only as a result of long and hard penance (tapas). I struggled to reach this state over a period of six years. I commenced the occult practices even from my seventh year. But I could not achieve my goal, ” Soorayya lamented.

Soorayya added that he was doing a job to earn his bread. He would resign and serve Amma to receive instructions in his sadhana and reach the much coveted goal.

Amma sternly discouraged him. “Don’t trust me and come to me. I am not aware of my own condition till you pointed it out to me. People in general have no faith in these aspects. They would only deprecate that the flow of blood was possibly due to an injury. If you come, people will only heckle at you and me.”

Soorayya continued to convince Amma that he very much liked Amma’s company and he was unable to leave her even for a moment.

His words remind us of Moulali himself who felt that Amma was a spiritual magnet whom he would under no circumstances abandon. That was why he came all the way to Mannava. Soorayya’s case could easily be compared to Moulali. Poor Soorayya had to maintain a son and a daughter, both dumb and motherless. But still he craved for Amma’s company to continue his spiritual Sadhana. But Amma repeatedly discouraged him. Soorayya levertheless proposed to stay in Mannava to experience Amma’s spiritual company. He left Amma in the top offering namaskarams as he could do to his revered guru. 


Amma then informed Moulali that she was shortly visiting Namburu near Guntur. The Karanam of Namburu was her uncle. His wife was the Younger sister of Amma’s Mother RANGAMMA. There was an invitation from them to Seethapathi to visit Namburu with his family. The journey was to take place in about four days. Moulali expressed willingness and eagerness to shift to Namburu and continue to enjoy Amma’s company there. Did he not declare that he would go wherever Amma went?

We will now proceed to Namburu with Amma and enjoy what splendid events took place there in the home of Amma’s close relatives. A day with Amma has always a rich reward in store for us. 

– (…….to be continued)

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