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That is My Life, Mother!

Magazine : Matrusri English
Language : English
Volume Number : 2
Month : May
Issue Number : 2
Year : 1967

Out of my grey cells Springs

A Current of Vytharini- 

Colouring my thoughts.

Feelings surge from within

 Like hot blood

 From a beheaded trunk.


Watching both,

 Like a widowed woman,

I shed tears

 On the whirling confluence

Of polluted thoughts

And aimless emotions

That is my life,


Will ever

My thoughts be clear?

Will ever

My feelings find a refuge?

 Will ever

I be a master lever

 Of my own forces?

 If I can’t 


 Why don’t you shatter

 This criss-cross

 Chaotic existence

 Of a rickety model

 Of 1935.


I am directing patients to hospitals. Where is then the question of my possessing others and getting patients cured through them?

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